September 2013 Moms

Insomnia Post

For some reason tonight, I am burning up (even though my house isn't that hot) and now I can't sleep. Was hoping the other pregnant insomniacs were awake, or anyone feeding LO's, but alas I think I'm the first one up.  I've read all the Drama Llama posts - quite entertaining, and now I'm just sitting here hoping these cramps turn into something more.  

I think it's just wishful thinking though, since DS's labor started in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep.  I should probably try to go back to bed and stop getting my hopes up that this little guy is as ready to meet me and I am ready to meet him. 
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Re: Insomnia Post

  • I'm up too and hoping for the same thing! Good luck, I hope you get the outcome you want!
  • I'm up too... playing video games. 

    Didn't have a lot of pregnancy discomfort today.. just the damn heartburn which is making water very hard to drink. :(
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  • I'm up feeding LO. We just got the ok to let her sleep at night instead of feeding on a schedule and wouldn't you know, the little stinker has been wanting to eat every 2 hours anyway..

    OP, I hope you can either sleep or those cramps become contractions. Actually, both things would be ideal...

    @msronzio...what video games?
  • I'm up too. I have part one of my induction tomorrow (gel first) and know I should be sleeping but my nerves have gotten the best of me. I also am having a ton of pressure tonight which is making me very uncomfortable.
    Melissa (30) & Chris (30)
    BFP Oct 16, 2012 M/C Nov 10, 2012
    BFP Dec 31, 2012 EDD Sept 12, 2013

    Brody was born on September 23, 2013 at 6.33am weighing 8lb 14oz.  
    Hes our angel... :)

  • I'm up. I was supposed to be at the hospital 5 hours ago to start cervidil, but they told me to call in the morning and see if they can take me then. Pretty bummed.
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  • I'm up. Had probably my most uncomfortable pregnant day so far (obviously not counting my awful sicky first tri). Just before dinner I think I started feeling real contractions, maybe...ugh, I wish I knew for sure. Maybe I was just super full and the baby was moving? I don't know. And I think I grew extra huge just today! All the sudden I my bath towel hardly fits around my body, and I had to move my car seat back even further because my stomach was running into the steering wheel. Ugh.

    On the positive side, I made progress on my pregnancy scrapbook! So that's good stuff. I'm going to keep working on it until I'm tired, I guess!
    Married: 8.5.12
    Bunny: 10.9.13
    Jellybean #2 Due: 2.1.16

    F16 July Siggy Challenge: Favorite Summer Activity
    Hiking and Baseball Games with the Fam
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  • At least there is an absolute over abundance of drama on both N13 and D13 tonight. Are we sure the full moon wasn't tonight and not Thursday? Lol
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  • I am up. Just got done pumping my non-exist ant breasts milk (I am just being a baby about it. I know it will come in sometime or another) and feeding Brice. I need to go back to sleep, but I am so anxious to get his blood test results I can't relax. I was trying to attach a picture of Brice but the internet here isn't cooperating.
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  • I'm up, in l&d. DH is snoring next to me. I took an amibien which worked great for an hour and I've been up since. Hoping for some progress at the next check.


    -My step-daughter is 12 years old.

    -BFP #1 on 9/2/12, D&C 10/18/12 no heartbeat on US @ 10 weeks.

    -BFP #2 on 1/7/13, R was born on 9/22/13 via C-Section

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  • @MamainMN World of Warcraft!!! Haha yep I'm a nerd! I guess this should have been my FFFC... ;)

    @ejb23 Hope you're doing well.

    Hope all you other ladies made it to sleep! I need to sleep buuuut.. I just got caught up on all the D13, N13, 3rd tri drama and now I'm too excited to rest!
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  • @happybride I wouldn't be able to sleep if I were you either. I saw your post from earlier, sorry I didn't comment. I was trying to get DH out the door to work without forgetting anything. And I failed, he left his wallet here. lol
    Hang in there little Brice, you're a trooper! 
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  • 313Meg313Meg member
    edited September 2013
    I'm up with a sad fussy baby. I wish I could get a 2 hr stint of sleep. (It's been a couple weeks).
    My neighbors sound like there's a party going on and my DH is having a party in his nose. Peace and quiet is never coming back! Lol

    Edited to add... Good luck to you ladies with contractions/inductions! I hope they turn into something!
  • I'm up feeding LO. Loving that she's breastfeeding now but that doesn't make me any less tired! It's funny how just by pushing her out, I pushed out the insomnia. Lol. Now all I want to do is sleep!
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  • @msronzio it's keeping me up too! I have to be up in 3.5 hours to call L&D but this drama is amazing!

    HB I'm hoping your little guy gets released from NICU soon! Sending you and him some happy thoughts!
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  • Soooo I have to ask - so you ladies check all the boards just to see if there are juicy posts or am I missing some inside way to find them?
  • Jeez, I guess I should read through the thread before commenting. @HBirdie Maybe we traded comforts because I totally had my second day of actually not feeling like 100% dog shit. I even cleaned, did dishes, tidied up and organized... 
    Hope you feel better soon. The teasing labor sounds like it's more shitty than the real thing. At least with the real thing we have hopes and stuff to look forward to. Like holding our baby soon. The false labor is just like, heyy heyyy, I'm your bodyyy, and I'm not ready to do jack shit yet to help you...dream on!
    Jealous you're scrapbooking. I wish I was crafty and had the patience. I bet it looks great :)

    Although I've been having on and off kidney pain for dayssss now. It feels like a kidney infection but I've already been tested; they found nothing. So I assume it's LO just favoring my left side and leaving me in grueling pain that doesn't change no matter if I lay, sit, stand, apply hot, apply cold... nothing helps. Except meds. Which I'm stubborn about taking even not pregnant.. 

    Seriously, I knew pregnancy would be uncomfortable, but painful without explanation? I can't just accept "well there's a baby in there." That'd be great -- if he was big or something. If he came out weighing 9 lbs or so, I'd breathe relief. I'd understand why I've been in so much pain 24/7. But I don't get it. I traded my 1st & 2nd tri debilitating rib pain for 3rd tri excruciating kidney pain. When does the pain stop?? I know I'm being a baby. I should be happy LO and I are healthy. But doesn't pain usually signal something is wrong? We're not talking about round ligaments -- I HAVE felt that. What I also feel is like a knife is being twisted into my ribs. Now I feel like my kidney is being punctured!!!
    Make it stop!

    I guess since this is turning into a vent post I'll just add that I am NOT looking forward to PP for a few other reasons too. My mom wants to gift me braces (yay) which means I need to have 4 extractions and that doesn't count wisdom teeth if they want to remove those. Mine are partially submerged, and don't bother me, but when I went for my consultation it seemed like they were looking at removing them. So, a world of hurt for ol me. 

    In other news, so glad I got back to eating health(ier) this week. I feel better. I pooped 11 times in three days though so I am a little freaked out about that. But it could be because I'm eating healthier. Also, we bought a nice pan set :) I actually feel spoiled using them. Is that sad? My old set was not only NON-nonstick, but my darling boyfriend loved to use forks and spoons to stir stuff, so they were all scratched up and peeling, adding that lovely dash of aluminum here and there. 
    We got the WearEver ceramic coated set and I'm in love. It's amazing. Even the lids are amazing. And it was only a $124 set on Amazon.. for what is like 3 pans and 5 pots plus a steamer. Love it!! 

    DH got an offer to teach tenor drums with our old HS. I hope he takes it. It's two days a week and some Saturdays. Even though I feel overwhelmed that he works mainly nights now, has a shit ton of OT picked up, has class once a week, plus his 2nd job, and after classes end in November he's gonna be working CC transports most likely not even in this state... I hope he takes it. He loves to drum, and misses his hobby. It would be really good for him, despite how busy it will make us.

    Sad that this insomnia post is so little :( I feel like I need the board so much more now.

    I really need to start a blog
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  • MamaInMN said:
    Soooo I have to ask - so you ladies check all the boards just to see if there are juicy posts or am I missing some inside way to find them?
    AFwifelife did a good job at sniffing out the drama earlier.. I usually just happen upon the good posts by luck! I'll see if I can work my magic and find any. Did you see the ones we're referring to from earlier? Still good reads even though no longer active.
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  • mrskeyte9 said:
    I'm up feeding LO. Loving that she's breastfeeding now but that doesn't make me any less tired! It's funny how just by pushing her out, I pushed out the insomnia. Lol. Now all I want to do is sleep!
    I'm sorry, but I cannot wait for this. Ugh!!! I WANT to be tired!
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  • If you got through all my spamlike posts in this thread and are even still awake and not bored/falling asleep by now...
    LOL @ this thread. It's the drama stirrer from D13 and N13.

    I got an abuse flag! Yay!! 
    But I couldnt resist... the gif was just too perfect..
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  • @mrskeyte9 is back on the insomnia thread! Happy dance from me! Even though that's kinda selfish... But I just love you! And missed you!

    @msronzio: I'm so sorry about your kidney pain :( it sounds awful. I can't imagine being in constant pain, I'm so sorry your pregnancy has been hard. It's almost over!!!!!!
    Oh, also, on the braces/wisdom teeth thing: I had all four wisdom teeth out two years ago. I'm absolutely terrified of the dentist, like...avoided it for ten years terrified. I was awake for the procedure, but I kept my earbuds in and it honestly wasnt that bad. I'm super jealous on the braces thing. I need them but can afford it. Hopefully someday soon! Anyway, that sounds great for you :)

    I'm not sure what I'm experiencing tonight. I feel like it must be contractions, but there's no back pain, no clear start or stop to them, and my stomach doesn't feel harder than normal. But I'm getting intense bladder pressure and I'm sure I have to pee, but half the time I don't. No idea what to think. I can't time them because I can't tell when they really begin or end. Any advice is appreciated for sure!

    My scrapbook is coming along! I'm actually really proud of it. I'll post some pictures on here if you want to see. :)
    Married: 8.5.12
    Bunny: 10.9.13
    Jellybean #2 Due: 2.1.16

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    Hiking and Baseball Games with the Fam
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  • @msronzio: what did that girl do? The theme nursery girl? Seems like there's more to that story than I could see... I'm on mobile so my investigative powers are limited.
    Married: 8.5.12
    Bunny: 10.9.13
    Jellybean #2 Due: 2.1.16

    F16 July Siggy Challenge: Favorite Summer Activity
    Hiking and Baseball Games with the Fam
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  • I'm up. I get to sleep every night then wake up around this time and am up for how many hours. Annoying! When I woke up thought maybe I was feeling contractions nope they vanished. Grrr
  • @HBirdie My teeth are busted the fuck up. They make me hate my face, and I resent smiling because of them. My mom just got a raise and wants to spoil me with them, so I gotta give her props. She is awesome!
    Im trying to tell myself it could always be worse... It could always be worse.. It's just hard when you're laying in bed wishing you could just pass out from the pain instead of feeling it. 
    Is your LO moving alright? That was my only concern really.. When I drink too much water or eat too much at the same time that's what it feels like for me. But I can't help with the BH thing having never felt them   :| Which is also irritating to me!

    Here's thread #2; (I completely missed this one!) (D13)

    Ugh. I can't even. So much nope.
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  • I got a bingo. She feels sorry for my children because apparently they are going to grow up and commit suicide from me bullying them.   8-|


    That person has a lot of hate in her heart to mention something like that to a total stranger.
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  • msronzio said:

    @MamainMN World of Warcraft!!! Haha yep I'm a nerd! I guess this should have been my FFFC... ;)

    @ejb23 Hope you're doing well.

    Hope all you other ladies made it to sleep! I need to sleep buuuut.. I just got caught up on all the D13, N13, 3rd tri drama and now I'm too excited to rest!
    Awesome! Haha, DH and I played WoW for a long time while we were still dating, but stopped when I was in college and he joined the Navy, just because we didn't have time :).

    I'm just up feeding LO. I don't know where she puts it all lol. She could eat all day long if she didn't have to sleep ;)
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  • @msronzio: yeah, baby is moving a LOT. I'm texting my mom about it (probably a mistake) and she says she felt exactly this way right before her water broke. I'm 39 weeks yesterday and I was really expecting to go late, so I'd e shocked of this is te real thing. Guess we'll find out?

    My teeth are messed up too, and I know EXACTLY what you mean about hating how you look. I just avoid thinking about it most of the time. My mouth is too small for all of my teeth so there's lots of crowding. I can't wait until I can get braces. Hoping for Invisalign, though! Good for your mom for spoiling you! That's sweet.

    I'll have to go read that thread and catch up on the drama...
    Married: 8.5.12
    Bunny: 10.9.13
    Jellybean #2 Due: 2.1.16

    F16 July Siggy Challenge: Favorite Summer Activity
    Hiking and Baseball Games with the Fam
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  • @HBirdie Ha, same here! Mouth too small, teeth too big. Body go home you are drunk...

    I'm with you on expecting to go late too. Looks like I'm due the day before you lol! I'd be ok with LO staying in there for a few more weeks...But I'd be reeeally ok with him coming early, too ;)

    Good luck either way and keep us posted. I'm worried about imakeeff0rts. No one has heard from her looks like :( redfallon is her labor buddy and I know she would've posted if shed heard from her. 

    @keriflores Couples that play together stay together ;)... Haha love that saying. DH and I used to both play before dating. We quit for a little while, then realized it's so much nicer to stay in and get our game on than go out and blow money on drinks at the bar, fancy restaurants, movies, and all that other trivial bullshit. At least if I want to drink and eat, I can do it at home in my freakin underwear, and the movies are free.
    I'm not gonna lie and say I'm hardcore into the game like I used to be several years ago.. but it's fun! It's our hobby. And the new content is really interesting. The game made it so that you can enjoy it and play endgame stuff while still having a life and not having to dedicate hours to it... I like that.

    Love that LO has a healthy appetite! I hope mine does too :) Whenever he makes his appearance that is..

    I should try laying down. /sigh
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  • @msronzio thanks for the links :) nursing just became less mind numbing...

    @HBirdie - everyone feels things differently so It's hard to say what you are experiencing. But if it is a constant pain/pressure, it sire doesn't sound like contractions. Has baby dropped yet? Maybe that's all that's happening...? Eithr way, I'd say try not to get your hopes up (so hard, I know!). I had tons of false labor ansd it can get exhausting....
  • msronzio said:

    @happybride I wouldn't be able to sleep if I were you either. I saw your post from earlier, sorry I didn't comment. I was trying to get DH out the door to work without forgetting anything. And I failed, he left his wallet here. lol

    Hang in there little Brice, you're a trooper! 
    You are so sweet, but you don't need to apologize. His level went down and he is out of his little led box. I can hold him so now we need to make sure his level stays down :). I honestly felt so good just to say what was going on and then I felt even better to hear about things working out (even though I know deeply he will be ok). I was just a mess, but now I am optimistic. I need to go look at all the D13 and N 13 drama. It's so much more fun when I am a spectator.

    Sorry your husband forgot his wallet. He is lucky to have you help him. My husband has to get himself together. Lol. I am a bad wife.
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