Attachment Parenting

ergo vs. maya ring sling

My daughter is almost 18mo and around 21lbs. Recently she refuses to sit in the cart when we go shopping so I always end up carrying her around which sucks.

On Saturday I got a maya ring sling and an ergo. I like that I can back carry her in the ergo. But it's bulky and kind of tricky to get her up there by myself. I like that the maya is quick to put on and will fit in my diaper bag. But I would hip carry her in the maya.

 Help me! I can only pick one! I think since I mainly want something quick for shopping I should go with the maya. But I always hear how awesome the ergo is. I'm torn!

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Re: ergo vs. maya ring sling

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    I love my ergo. I always feel like I need to keep a hand on LO in a ring sling (though that's just me), and I love how out of the way they are on your back in the ergo. :P I also have no trouble folding and scrunching my ergo to fit into the diaper bag...but I probably am harder on it than I should be. Lol

    It took some practice at home for several days for me to get used to putting DS on my back, but we have it down now and I really love it. I also like to wear DS for long walks and trips to the mall/ longer outings.

    I put DS on my back this way, crossing my arms and lifting him under the armpits, swinging him above my head and around to my back. This was MUCH easier for than the "scoot the baby around your hip" method:

    PS - that's not me, just a video I found on YouTube. ;)
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    At 21 pounds, many people find that a ring sling is great for quick ups and downs but not long hauls. In my world, it isn't a good fit for grocery shopping because I am a slow shopper. I would work on the back carries in the Ergo. You can do it!
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    If you plan on wearing for more than like 20 minutes at a time, keep the Ergo. Give the Ergo hip carry a shot.
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    I actually have both and have used both at the grocery store. 

     I used the ergo for the front carry when he was little~ tried the hip carry but didn't find it all that comfortable.  I use the back carry a lot doing odd jobs at home and walks, but not at the grocery store.  He likes to be hip carried and "help" push the cart (I'm pretty short so he actually can hold the cart handle with me) and put stuff in the cart for me.

    I mostly use the maya ring sling for my grocery trips with a hip carry.  He starts in the cart and when he start climbing out I put him in the sling (so anywhere from 5-40 minutes depending on the day).   He's about 24 lbs, so sometimes my shoulder gets a little tired, but he's totally comfortable and happy.  A back carry would probably be more comfortable, but he likes the hip carry better at the grocery store.

    BabyFruit Ticker


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