Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

first vacation without did it go for you?

yepyepsmsyepyepsms member
edited September 2013 in Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

In a couple weeks by DH and I are going on vacation for almost a week without our son.  It's to a family wedding that we're both in, many wedding activities, etc. so a long time ago we decided it would be easier to leave DS at home. Also we could enjoy the vacation too for some much needed "Mommy and Daddy Time". Also, I am pregnant, due in May so this will be our only opportunity to get in a vacation prior to having two kids.  While we're gone he's staying with DH's parents. I am starting to get so nervous. I have only left him for an extended prior of time one other time, and that was leaving him at home with DH, so it was totally different.

Our closest family lives three hours away and we never have babysitters (that's a whole other post...we need to get out more) so he only sees his grandparents once a month if we're lucky.  So I am worried because everything will be so different for him that week. I asked DH's mother if she would be willing to come to our house for the time we're away to try to keep his routine and "home". She said she would normally, but DH's Dad is a farmer and will be in the fields at that time for harvest and she preferred to be at their home.  DH's parents are great so I am not worried about his care by them, just more so rocking his routine (away from us, his daycare, everything) for a week with people he is not familiar with. 

Just needed to get this out...anyone have a similar situation? How did it go?  Any tips to make me feel better, or, to make it easier on LO? I plan to make a list of his normal routine/fave toys and foods, and take some of his fave toys. Our dog will also be with him. Thanks! 

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Re: first vacation without did it go for you?

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    The first time we left DS1 for longer than an overnight was when he was around 18 months old and we needed to go house hunting in a different state.  We left him for 3 nights with DH's sister (who he rarely saw for longer than 1 or 2 hours at a time very randomly simply due to us living 3 hours away from family) and he did fine.  We took him to her house and he had a blast.  She said he got sad around bedtime the first night but otherwise, they had so much fun taking him places and keeping him busy that he barely knew we were gone.  

    If your MIL is willing and able, suggest that she get him out of the house and do things with him instead of just staying at home all day.  Parks, zoo, farmer's market, etc.  

    We took his blankets, paci, the noise machine he slept with and a little backpack of toys for him.  I gave her a rundown of his routine but told her that as long as he was happy/fed/healthy that I didn't care what she did while we were gone.  Time with Aunt Neci is always special fun time for him (and she definitely doesn't let him rule the roost and makes sure he gets plenty of sleep).  

    Also, make sure you leave a copy of your health insurance card and a letter authorizing your ILs to seek treatment for him should there be an emergency.  A list of dosages for Tylenol/Motrin and when to give those is also helpful.

    Most of all, try to have fun and not worry!  Your ILs love and care for your child and would likely do anything in their power to make sure he is happy and well taken care of while you're gone.  
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    I'd try to spend a day or two with him at your IL's house before leaving him for the week if possible so that he has a chance to get familiar with them. We left DS with my parents for a few days - I was worried that he wouldn't be able to go to sleep properly, but he did just fine. Like PP said, he was super happy to see us but it was as if he didn't even notice that we were gone for days.
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    alakealake member
    edited September 2013
    I wouldn't call it a vacation.  My kids, DH and my parents flew from Canada (Where I grew up) to Florida (where I live now) after spending the summer in Canada.  I stayed back for an extra five days.  My BFF's grandpa, who I was extremely close with passed away Tuesday before we were to leave.  The kids left Friday at four AM for the airport, with my parents and DH and I stayed with my aunt and uncle and all of my adult cousins at the cabin.  It was a nice relaxing weekend, although my aunt judged me on the fact that I had allowed my kids to go home without me.  I enjoyed myself but missed my kids dearly.
    My biggest sadness and the reason they flew home without me, was that DD1&2 started grade 1&2 on Monday.  My mom sent me lots of pictures of their first day.  They don't get to where special clothes.  They go to a private school, where they have to wear uniforms.  It was nice to get home to the I missed you, and the cuddles I got.
    I am taking an adult vacation on the 4th of October (my thirtieth birthday)  We are going to New York for a five day weekend.  It will be two of my friends and I, to celebrate a joint birthday.
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    DS was 13 months old when I went on a 5 day all girls trip without him. DH was home with him and he still went to DC through the day. It was GREAT!!! I missed him, but it was great to get away. DH and I went on a 6 day trip when DS was 2.5 years old and it was AMAZING. We would text everyday, but I didn't want to call and upset him too often. He was fine, so I didn't bother him. 
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    I honestly think most kids rise to the occasion... and also, they won't miss you or even know you are gone at this age.  They may cry when you drop them off but most kids are over that in about 2 seconds and moving onto playing with whatever catches their eye.  We have done a couple away weekends without the kids and they are ANGELS for whoever is watching them.  I'd just drop them and be done with it... I don't agree that staying a day or 2 is a good idea.  If you know and trust the caregivers just leave and know that your little one will be happy and well cared for.  Also I wouldn't do any Facetime and limit phone calls with your toddler.  I have found that my daughter just doesn't really understand why she can see or hear me but I'm not there and it upsets her more than if she just didn't see me at all.  I just have our babysitters send lots of pictures and I try to enjoy myself!  
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