May 2013 Moms

Flat Spots

Hi all.  I haven't posted since I was pregnant, but it's nice to catch up and see such big babies already!

My daughter has her 4 month appointment tomorrow, and I'm worried about the flat spot on her head.  At her two month, the pediatrician suggested upping tummy time, which we have, but the spot feels like it got bigger.  We put her to sleep rotating which way her head goes down, but that hasn't really helped.  Are there any suggestions on what to do?  My other question, which I will confirm with the pediatrician, is this just an aesthetic thing or are there medical complications that can result from this? 

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Re: Flat Spots

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    Lex has a bit of a flat spot and our pedi wasn't concerned. She said she would probably grow out of it when she starts sitting up. I, too, am curious about ramifications though. 
    She is here! 5-29-13


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    OP-my LO now has a mild flat spot (plagiocephaly) caused from torticollis along with mild brachycephaly. 

    We caught it early, a little before 2 months, and started PT and aggressive repositioning.  I thought I was in repositioning hell for a couple weeks.  LO was so pissed!  I stopped using the swing and the bouncer and the LO gets to lay on his back only for diaper changes.  I put him down at night on his side in the travel crib in our bedroom and I alternate sides.  He does lots of tummy time and it took him a while until he stopped eating his playmat and would hold his head up.  As soon as he held his head up I saw improvement in the shape of his head.  At first the back of his head got bumpy and then started to round out.  His head is still a little coney and unfortunately repositioning wont help that.

    I've taken him to the cranial-facial specialist and at his next appointment I am going to ask for a script to have his head digitally scanned by the StarBand scanner to see if helmet therapy would improve the overall shape of his head.  Here is a pic of his profile.


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    Thanks so much for sharing.  Our doctor noticed it a two months, but just recommended upping the tummy time, which we have.  We're guilty of putting her in her swing a lot because she loves it.  I was told if I could do baby wearing instead of putting her down that might help, but the baby bjorn we have looks so uncomfortable.  She doesn't fuss, but it looks so weird.  I guess I'll find out tomorrow just how bad it is.  Are the helmets painful?

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    My other question, which I will confirm with the pediatrician, is this just an aesthetic thing or are there medical complications that can result from this? 

    When LO (2.5 months old) saw the cranial/facial specialist at Children's Hospital the doctor showed me how LO's tongue was slightly off center and told me it was because his right jaw had shifted slightly due to the plagiocephaly.  I took LO back at 4 months and his tongue is now centered and the dr said he is happy with his jaw now.  At his 2.5 month appointment the doctor also said children with severe plagio can have ear and sinus issues.

    I think of the cranial helmet the same as braces.  While LO is listed as mild for plagio and brachycephaly I will still helmet if his numbers/measurements warrant it. 

    I decided I'd rather be the pain in the butt mom to the doctors than regret missing the window of opportunity to correct/minimize any cranial shape issues. 


    Feel free to PM me if you have more questions.




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    I use the baby Bjorn all of the time and LO seems to love it.  This past weekend I walked about 3 miles each day with him in it (three separate 1 mile walks).  We have a big yard with lots of trees and I just walk circles around the house keeping him in the shade and he looks around.  Using the Baby Bjorn also gives my arms and back a break since I stopped using the swing and bouncer.

    From everything I've read helmeting is harder on the parents than the kids. 

    I Googled 'plagiocephaly support boards' and found wonderful support and information. 

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    I was planning on talking to the Ped about DD's flat spot at her 4 month check up but after reading this thread I have decided that I will call tomorrow morning for an appt as her 4 month check up is not for another 2 weeks.

    Thank you for all the information Ladies.

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