3rd Trimester

L&D for 2+ moms?

We're about 7 weeks away from our due date with #2. Just curious for those who have been there....how did your second one go? arrival vs due date? L&D #1 vs #2?
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Re: L&D for 2+ moms?

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    L&D #1: Fast and furious, med free. Four hours. Water broke on its own at home. Arrival at 39w1d. 12 pushes. 2nd degree tear. DD was 5lb 11oz.

    L&D #2: 12 hours, med free until 9cm. Took epi to get rest & help progress labor. Had membrane strip & induction scheduled, but he came on his own. Arrival at 41w1d. 8 pushes. 3rd degree tear. DS was 7lb 9oz.

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    L&D #1 admitted with broken waters, dilated at a 2. Labored for almost 29 hrs with only Stadol. My mom flipped at some point around there and they gave me my epidural with me still only being 2cm. An hour or so later I was a 10 and pushed for almost 2 1/2hrs and baby was born.

    L&D#2 Was an induction. Pit started, waters broken. Dilated to only 5cm after 17hrs. Babies head and my cervix swelled and c-section was preformed.

    L&D#3 Was an induction vbac. 10 hrs in with barely making it to 2cm, epidural wearing off and me tapped out on Pit and c-section was repeated.

    #4 will be a c-section if labor doesn't start on its own before my c-section date. He will allow me to do a trial of labor as long as I am progressing, but he doesn't have high hopes that labor will begin on its own or that I will progress. So, we will see.

    But just remember, labor is so different every single time for everyone.

    DD#1~Emma Dawn 12/19/00 7lb 10 oz 21"
    DD#2~Daphney Mae 04/17/03 7lb 13oz 21"
    DD#3~Grace Deonea 05/20/10 8lb 2oz 21"
        DS#1~Brody Maxwell born 10/16/13 8lb 10oz 21"

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    #1: very mild contractions for about 12 hours (seemed just like timetable braxton hicks), water broke, immediate extremely painful contractions every 2-3 minutes, went to he hospital a few hours later, DS born within 2.( houra of reaching the hospital. Med-free birth. He was 8lb 12oz. OP and with nuchal hand. Needed an episiotomy after pushing with him stuck for 45 min going in and out with each contraction.

    #2: irritable uterus caused timetable braxton hicks/contractions from 33 weeks on and off until preterm labor at 36 weeks. After more intense contractions for almost 24 hours, I dilated 3cm and was 100% effaced but labor stopped. Then nothing until a week and a half later (37w3d) When my water broke. Contractions only started up an hour later and were smslower to intensify than with DS1. Within another hour they were very painful and one on top of the other. They said I was still only 7cm 6 hours after my water broke but I said I felt pushy. Finally I asked for an epidural and when I laid down for it, DD's head popped out! Never got the meds. DD was only 5lb 13oz.

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    DD1: 40 weeks 5 days. 7 hours active labour. 9lbs 2 stitches

    DD2: 40 weeks 5 days. 3 hours active labour. 10lbs no stitches.

    So #2 was faster, but otherwise two straight forward births, that were very similar.
    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

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    DD1 was 48 hours of labor, 3 hours of pushing.  She was facing the wrong direction, she was a forceps delivery.  She weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces.  I had a third degree tear.
    DD2: was 48 hours of labor, and turned into emergency c-section.  She went into distress.  She weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces.  She was my biggest.
    They were both born at 39 weeks and 5 days.
    DD3: was supposed to be a repeat c-section.  She was born at 37 weeks.  My water broke.  I had no signs of labor.  I drove myself to the hospital, DH was out of the country.  I was seven centimeters when I got there and by the time the doctor got there I was ready to push.  He gave me the option, and I decided to try a v-bac.  She was born within two contractions.  She weighed 6 pounds 3 ounces.  Less than three hours after my water broke.  She was born August 20th, of last year.  I still can't believe how easy her birth was.
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    DD1:  My water broke at 1 am no contractions.  pitocin was started around 11:30.  I was stuck at a two and ended up getting an epidural.  i progressed pretty quickly after that.  pushed for 2.5 hours.

    DD2:  bloddy show at 1 am contractions started about a half hour later.  contractions remained consistent but were so mild that i was told to stay home.  Around noon my MIL convinced me that I should go in and maybe they could break my water to get things going.  Well as soon as we walked into the hospital I had my first strong contraction.  about 20 minutes after arriving at the hospital I had my baby.  water never broke, she was born in her sac.
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    oh, and I don't know how to edit to add this to my post, but DD1 was 2 days early and DD2 was on her EDD.
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    DD was 3 days early. This LO is now at 41 w 2 d and counting. Totally thought second time they come earlier. Not so much, apparently.
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    #1 12 hrs with epi induced at 40w4d #2- water broke at 41w2d she was in my arms 4 hrs later, med free Both about the same tearing.
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    DS: 40w1d med free delivery 16 hours of labor, 2.5 hours pushing, vacuum assistance

    DD1: 40w4d epi 8 hours of active labor, 3 pushes

    DD2: 41w0d epi 7 hours active labor, 3 pushes

    I did start labor around 2 am each time. Fun coincidence!

    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to be over, it's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Unknown

    Married 3-1-08  |  Nathan 11-24-08  |  Kaelyn 11-30-10  |  Alicia  8-17-13

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    Induced with #1 at 40 weeks 3 days. 17 hour labor with forceps delivery. Major tear and stitches with a year of healing.

    Induced with #2 at 40 weeks 4 days. 8 hour labor and just plopped out. I barley did any pushing. Minor tear and was healed in 3 weeks. It was all a breeze compared to the first one!!
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    lkm2006lkm2006 member
    edited September 2013
    DS1: induced at 36 weeks 2 days. 0 cm and not effaced. Labored for 17 hours and pushed for an hour and a half.

    DS2: induced at 39 weeks 4 days. 2 cm and 75% effaced. Labor was around 9 hours and 8 minutes of pushing. (He was 2 pounds bigger than my first).


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    DS1: water broke at 35 weeks, didn't go into labor until 14 hours later, actual time from labor starting till baby was 14 hours, pushed for 2 contractions DD1: loads of prodromal labor, at 39 weeks felt more "real" labored for a few hours at home and DD was born 2.5 hours after getting to the hospital, 15 minutes of pushing. So total time for the second birth was about 6-7 hours, so 1/2 the length of the first. Good luck!
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    Dd1: 41 week induction. 24 hours, vacuum delivery.

    Dd1: 38 weeks. 6 hour labor.
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