Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Intro - Long

Hi, I guess I should do a quick intro since I was already posting last night.  I should have been 9 weeks along yesterday but I started to spot on Thursday and I had chalked it up to straining to hard during a bm and never expecting what was to come.  The spotting was on and off from Thursday to Monday morning.  Then Monday afternoon it turned into more of a bleed and by that evening I thought I better head to the ER to just get checked over.  The doctor there did a cervix check and it was still closed so he put me on bed rest and told me to take a few days off of work, also that he would try to get me in for an u/s asap but didn't know when that would be.  When I woke up yesterday the bleeding had slowed back down to basically spotting and it was brown.  My hopes slowly started to rise again since I figured that must be a good sign.  I received a phone call in the morning that they would be able to get me in for an u/s at 11am that day.  By the time I made it to the u/s I was starting to bleed once again and when they did the u/s they discovered that I was no where near far as long as I should have been and most likely this pregnancy wasn't viable and to go and talk to my doctor to discuss my options.  I made it to my doctors that afternoon and the bleeding had stayed but hadn't gotten any worse or better. Unfortunately when I went to the doctor the u/s hadn't been up loaded into the system so he wasn't able to discuss my options with me at that time but just sent me to get blood work and to make a follow up appointment.  I had planned to go for blood work this morning but last night the bleeding got heavier and the cramping came.  It was only about 4 hours of pain and I knew I had passed the baby. 

I am happy that my body decided to take care of business and didn't leave me with any hard decisions.  I'm still slightly in shock and having a hard time believing this actually happened.  We had a month of planning our future and now it just feels like that was all taken away but I guess a few of our before plans will hopefully come back into place.      

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Intro - Long

  • Options
    So sorry for your loss I hope you will find support here.
    BFP #1 7/25/13. MMC 8/26/13 8 weeks 5days Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic BFP #2 11/5/13 chemical pregnancy 11/9/13 BFP #3 12/28/13 "Our HOPE baby"
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