Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Recommend sling/ carrier

What sling/ carrier do you recommend for a newborn?  I had a c-section so am looking for something that won't put weight/ pressure on my stomach.  I'm thinking one that's more like a sling will be best, but I want it to be really secure.  Some of them look like the baby could roll out of them.  Also, my baby is under 6 pounds so it needs to work for a really small baby.  I mostly want it so I can wear her around the house.  Thanks! 
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Re: Recommend sling/ carrier

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    NebFNebF member
    I would recommend a ring sling. Avoid pouch slings if you can.
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    I have the moby. I love it however I didn't have a c section so I'm not too sure about where it sits in conjunction with your incision.
        DS born 8-16-2013
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    You could wrap the moby so it doesn't put pressure on the scar . I love my moby . I'm sure there other slings that would work great but I personally don't like slings .
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    I have a Mia ring sling and a boba. Ds is 5 weeks old and I'm using the boba
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    A ring sling is pretty secure if used correctly. A mei tai could be tied above your incision with such a small baby - the Infantino Wrap and Tie is inexpensive and works for a long time.

    Personally, I  hate all the fabric of a moby.
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    We have a Moby as well & love it. I haven't had a c-section, but think you can change how you wrap it up.
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    I have the Ktan and love it!!  I feel that my baby is very secure in it and it is comfortable for me as well!  I think the baby has to be 8 lbs before using though.  On me it rests above my belly button, so it may work with your C-section?
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    I would recommend a ring sling. It will stay well above your scar and can safely hold such a small baby. A Mai Tei would also work for your scar, but I don't think it would work as well with your baby being so small.

    Is there a baby wearing group in your city? I would recommend going to a meeting and trying on different carriers. That way, you can get help from experienced mommas and find a carrier that works best for you. :)

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    I also recommend the ring sling. The ergo is great, but really shouldn't be used for a NB under 7lbs, even with the insert. The ring sling will keep your LO nice and high on your chest; it's what I used for DD, and she was only about 5'4 when we started using it.
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    I had a c/s 2 weeks ago and was able to use the Moby only a week after surgery. It caused no issues with my incision, the only issue is that it is VERY warm.

    I do recommend using an abdominal binder to help with your c/s recovery. It made all the difference in the world for me and my recovery was 100x easier this time around even though I had a very rough 12 hours of labor before this c/s (first was scheduled due to breech position, this one was an emergency section after a failed VBAC when my LO's heart rate became dangerously low while pushing).
    DS1: 8/3/10, DD1: 8/17/13, DD2: 8/13/15
    Twins lost to due to partial molar pregnancy: September 2011 
    ~~PAL, PgAL Always Welcome~~
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    Baby K'tan.  If you get the right size the baby is held up closer to your chest when you are using the NB hold.  There isn't a ton of fabric to mess around with, which wasn't a huge deal to me but I found that the Baby K'Tan was a lot cooler for my summer baby.

    I have an Ergo, a Boba, and a mei tai in addition and the one that holds the highest is the K'Tan. 

    B born 7/15/13, C born 3/2/15, #3 on the way May '17

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