TTC After a Loss

★☆★ TTA Check-In ★☆★

KMW08KMW08 member
edited August 2013 in TTC After a Loss

This check-in is for anyone who is TTA, no matter for how long. We have a variety of wait times so please feel free to join. I will be posting this check-in on Friday. If you are new to the check in, I’m sorry you’re here, and I hope your stay is short. Please post a small intro and tell us why you are TTA and for how long so we can get to know you and be familiar with your history.


How is everyone this week?

Any TTA-related frustrations?

Apples and onions, anyone? What was the high/low of your week?

QOTD Share an embarrassing school memory!


Below is the TTA list. Please let me know if you would like to be added or if your information is incorrect. I will be removing names as the months come to an end unless otherwise notified that your TTA has been extended.


ninthgirl July/August

SandSunBliss July/August

Mrs.E.07 August

alysonjill August/September

bethclosen September

marcilene1 September

Poppy715 September

sunnydaysarehere September/October

ashtonblair123 October

ball.and.chain October

halfcaffeinated October

jebretz October

kountingsheep October

MrsDeo October

TravelingCouple October

KMW08 October/November

princezjk December

Pink Camino January 2014

JCM285 March/April 2014

AppleMomma Indefinitely

avioletsky Indefinitely

sarcaztic10 indefinitely

Saritaota614 Indefinitely

QuigleyCat Indefinitely

BFP#4 3/17/14 - rainbow Baby BOY arrived 11/10/14 !!

DX: Uterine Septum - Resection 9/5/13 || MTHFR Hetero A1298C || My Chart

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Re: ★☆★ TTA Check-In ★☆★

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    KMW08KMW08 member
    edited August 2013
    Really nothing new here, just waiting for cd1. Otherwise not much going on that's noteworthy in my life atm.

    QOTD: embarrassing school story: when I was a hs freshman a senior guy wanted to go on a date with me. He was just a total douchecanoe, enough so that the sr softball girls warned me. This went on all year and in feb we did a school wide computerized valentines "match" test. I walked into the cafeteria and he was standing on a table yelling at me "Kristen you're #1 on my list!!" I was mortified as a freshman. He didn't even place in the 10 spots on my list.

    BFP#4 3/17/14 - rainbow Baby BOY arrived 11/10/14 !!

    DX: Uterine Septum - Resection 9/5/13 || MTHFR Hetero A1298C || My Chart

    image    image




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    Hey lady! Thanks for check-in! Things are moving along in the world of Poppy. September looks like an insane month for us. We have 4 birthday's and parties for those birthday. That job I applied for should know more about the position being open or not. And best of all BENCH BURNING! I'm excited to get that show on the road and start BDing!

    QOTH: I've always had a bad habit of talking too much if I didn't know what to say. HS taught me to keep my mouth shut if I don't have anything important to add to a conversation.


     and GBCB


    BFP 8/2/12 EDD 4/9/13 Addie was delivered 1/4/13 at 26 weeks due to Eclampsia  

    BFP 9/15/14 EDD 5/28/15 Please be our R A I N B O W take home baby BOY
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    ~All AL always welcome~



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    Hi ladies!  I was wondering if I could be added to the check in?  I think I posted to another check-in before but I am TTA until March at least.  In case I didn't post an intro before, here it is:  We received a BFP on 2/2 but I m/c in March.  Afterwards, I was diagnosed with PMP (partial molar pregnancy) and had the D&C on 4/5.  Because it is such a complicated condition, we can't TTC for at least a year which brings us to March or April.  
    Married my best friend 7/2/11 - Furbaby born 7/9/11 and brought into our home 9/1/11

    BFP#1:   2/2/13 ~ exact m/c date unknown but around 3/20 at 10 weeks ~ diagnosed with PMP ~ D&C on 4/5 ~ TTA for at least 1 year due to PMP ~ cleared to TTC 1/14

    BFP#2:   2/7/14 ~ m/c 2/20/14 ~ possibly due to chemical pregnancy ~ TG no D&C is needed 

    Surprise BFP#3:  4/4/14 ~ super duper extra happy (and nervous) about this one - EDD 12/9/14!!!

    John Joseph was born on 12/12/14 at 7 lbs. 11 oz.  He is the most beautiful rainbow baby we could have wished for!


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    JCM285 said:
    Hi ladies!  I was wondering if I could be added to the check in?  I think I posted to another check-in before but I am TTA until March at least.  In case I didn't post an intro before, here it is:  We received a BFP on 2/2 but I m/c in March.  Afterwards, I was diagnosed with PMP (partial molar pregnancy) and had the D&C on 4/5.  Because it is such a complicated condition, we can't TTC for at least a year which brings us to March or April.  
    Welcome. I'm sorry you find yourself here.


     and GBCB


    BFP 8/2/12 EDD 4/9/13 Addie was delivered 1/4/13 at 26 weeks due to Eclampsia  

    BFP 9/15/14 EDD 5/28/15 Please be our R A I N B O W take home baby BOY
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    ~All AL always welcome~



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    Poppy715 said:

    Hey lady! Thanks for check-in! Things are moving along in the world of Poppy. September looks like an insane month for us. We have 4 birthday's and parties for those birthday. That job I applied for should know more about the position being open or not. And best of all BENCH BURNING! I'm excited to get that show on the road and start BDing!

    QOTH: I've always had a bad habit of talking too much if I didn't know what to say. HS taught me to keep my mouth shut if I don't have anything important to add to a conversation.

    I'm super excited for you to burn this bench, come on cd1!!! FX you hear back in a timely fashion about that interview also!!

    BFP#4 3/17/14 - rainbow Baby BOY arrived 11/10/14 !!

    DX: Uterine Septum - Resection 9/5/13 || MTHFR Hetero A1298C || My Chart

    image    image




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    I'm actually happy that AF is here so this makes my last post in this check-in!

    This was our last cycle TTA, so we won't be avoiding from now on. I feel relieved about it but also have some fears about this next stage. But I know my desire to have a baby is outweighing the fears, so I feel that I'm at a good place and ready to move forward.

    Luckily I have packing and moving to keep me busy this next month so hopefully I won't be stressing out about NTNP. Our plan is to BD every other day so we can hopefully hit O. If it doesn't happen, then next cycle we'll work more on timing.

    Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this check-in and for all the support I received while TTA!

    Congrats on bench burning!! I'll update my list in awhile. FX this is your cycle!! I think moving will be a good distraction from ttc. Invest in some lube (preseed is sperm friendly ;) )for all that bd'ing and maybe some energy drinks (I'd need 'em lol)!

    BFP#4 3/17/14 - rainbow Baby BOY arrived 11/10/14 !!

    DX: Uterine Septum - Resection 9/5/13 || MTHFR Hetero A1298C || My Chart

    image    image




  • Options
    JCM285 said:

    Hi ladies!  I was wondering if I could be added to the check in?  I think I posted to another check-in before but I am TTA until March at least.  In case I didn't post an intro before, here it is:  We received a BFP on 2/2 but I m/c in March.  Afterwards, I was diagnosed with PMP (partial molar pregnancy) and had the D&C on 4/5.  Because it is such a complicated condition, we can't TTC for at least a year which brings us to March or April.  

    Welcome, I'm sorry you're finding yourself here. I will add you to the list in a bit. I can't remember if you've had any questions about molars but the person that comes to mind is MsAmandaPants, she's an extremely knowledgeable lady :) keep us updated on your monitoring appts.

    BFP#4 3/17/14 - rainbow Baby BOY arrived 11/10/14 !!

    DX: Uterine Septum - Resection 9/5/13 || MTHFR Hetero A1298C || My Chart

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    MrsDeo said:

    I'm going to jump in and join this check-in. We've got the all-clear from the midwife but mentally I'm not ready to TTC yet. Let's say it's till October for now, but I'll update that if necessary.

    Mini-intro: MH and I got our first BFP after NTNP in January of this year, which turned out to be a blighted ovum. I had a D&C at the end of February and we started TTC after waiting 2 cycles on doctor's recommendation. Got a 2nd BFP in June, then miscarried last month at 6 weeks.

    We were able to start getting some bloodwork done to test for basic stuff. I haven't gotten any of the results, yet, and it's been 2 weeks today since the blood was drawn. I may call next week if I don't hear anything from them - the OB's office has not been known to be on top of paperwork. I also noticed a $400-something charge on my insurance website that I shouldn't have to pay but might be a hassle. So far I haven't been officially notified of it, so we'll see.

    QOTW: I can't think of anything! I'd like to imagine I didn't have anything embarrassing happen but I'm pretty sure I've just blocked the memories. (My memory is crap anyways, I don't remember a LOT of stuff).
    Welcome to the checkin! I'll add you to the list in awhile also :) I would call them Tuesday, some of them should be back by now. FX they get back to you before they call, but I don't have high hopes for that happening as I know how docs offices work and my RE is the same way unless its super important (betas, out of whack etc).

    Honestly after my 2nd loss I had testing done then I waited a cycle or two, it ended up being about 6 or 7 months after my loss when we conceived. I was in a much much better place at that time.

    BFP#4 3/17/14 - rainbow Baby BOY arrived 11/10/14 !!

    DX: Uterine Septum - Resection 9/5/13 || MTHFR Hetero A1298C || My Chart

    image    image




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    Thank you!!
    Married my best friend 7/2/11 - Furbaby born 7/9/11 and brought into our home 9/1/11

    BFP#1:   2/2/13 ~ exact m/c date unknown but around 3/20 at 10 weeks ~ diagnosed with PMP ~ D&C on 4/5 ~ TTA for at least 1 year due to PMP ~ cleared to TTC 1/14

    BFP#2:   2/7/14 ~ m/c 2/20/14 ~ possibly due to chemical pregnancy ~ TG no D&C is needed 

    Surprise BFP#3:  4/4/14 ~ super duper extra happy (and nervous) about this one - EDD 12/9/14!!!

    John Joseph was born on 12/12/14 at 7 lbs. 11 oz.  He is the most beautiful rainbow baby we could have wished for!


  • Options
    How is everyone this week?
    Upset I missed class for the first time. But this cold is beating the wind out of me. All I want to do is sleep and blow my nose.

    Any TTA-related frustrations?
    Waiting on my appointment for my diaphragm fitting that is still about 3 weeks away. I want to know if this non-hormonal method will work. Otherwise, I just see is in the NTNP crap that we've been in for the last however many years. I had put pregnancy so far out of my mind that I stopped caring month to month and now that I've had a recent loss, I just don't know if I could go back to not obsessing every month if/when/how will Aunt Flow rear her ugly head.

    Apples and onions, anyone? What was the high/low of your week?

    High: Spending the weekend with DH again. And he's probably coming down this weekend to spend it with me. Ah, I feel super special that we're in love after all these years.

    Low: Late summer cold from hell. WTF Immune system? I thought you were trying to keep me healthy?!?!

    QOTD Share an embarrassing school memory!
    I read a lot of yours and they are very embarassing. I'm going to keep mine to myself because I'm still mortified to this day. Plus, I think I mentally blocked out a lot of my school years.

    I didn't really have internet access for a bit. Sorry I'm sort of here, there and everywhere with posting. 
    Married to the love of my life since 2005
    TTC #1 - 
    BFP # 1: 5/2006 - m/c @ 6 weeks (natural) / EDD 1/17/2007
    BFP # 2: 7/2007 - chemical pregnancy / EDD 3/18/2008
    BFP # 3: 6/2013 - 7/9 u/s: No hb, measuring 2 weeks behind. Very high HCG#'s 7/21 u/s: No change, ruled out molar pregnancy. Completed Natural Missed M/C 7/26/2013 / EDD 2/5/2014
    TTA with Diaphragm. 
    I didn't want to kiss you goodbye, that was the trouble; I wanted to kiss you goodnight. And there's a lot of difference. - Ernest Hemingway 

    Licensed foster family. No current placements. Open to adoption but that is not our goal and as such we don't have dual foster/adopt home study.
    2012-2013: Former Foster Mommy to 1 bubbly little 8 y.o. girl that has moved onto an amazing adoptive home.

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    My TTA frustrations haven't really surfaced in a while, I am happy to say.  This week has been more highs than lows (although it's not always like that).  Highest high:  I finally got AF after waiting for about 60 days.  I also had a positive doctor appointment yesterday.  He said that it's probably not unusual for me to have a longer cycle and most likely it will even itself out soon.  He isn't giving me anything to take, like bc.  I did some blood work for any possible ovarian problems, but he said it isn't likely.  I am feeling relieved that there doesn't seem to be anything wrong so far.  :-)  QOTD:  Well I can't think of anything embarrassing when I was a student, but I can think of PLENTY of embarrassing school moments as a teacher.  On the first day of school when I taught high school, I knocked over a whole pencil box and it had all sorts of paperclips and things in it too!  One of my nice kids helped me to pick it all up though.  It wasn't that bad, really.
    Married my best friend 7/2/11 - Furbaby born 7/9/11 and brought into our home 9/1/11

    BFP#1:   2/2/13 ~ exact m/c date unknown but around 3/20 at 10 weeks ~ diagnosed with PMP ~ D&C on 4/5 ~ TTA for at least 1 year due to PMP ~ cleared to TTC 1/14

    BFP#2:   2/7/14 ~ m/c 2/20/14 ~ possibly due to chemical pregnancy ~ TG no D&C is needed 

    Surprise BFP#3:  4/4/14 ~ super duper extra happy (and nervous) about this one - EDD 12/9/14!!!

    John Joseph was born on 12/12/14 at 7 lbs. 11 oz.  He is the most beautiful rainbow baby we could have wished for!


  • Options
    How is everyone this week?
    Upset I missed class for the first time. But this cold is beating the wind out of me. All I want to do is sleep and blow my nose.

    Any TTA-related frustrations?
    Waiting on my appointment for my diaphragm fitting that is still about 3 weeks away. I want to know if this non-hormonal method will work. Otherwise, I just see is in the NTNP crap that we've been in for the last however many years. I had put pregnancy so far out of my mind that I stopped caring month to month and now that I've had a recent loss, I just don't know if I could go back to not obsessing every month if/when/how will Aunt Flow rear her ugly head.

    Apples and onions, anyone? What was the high/low of your week?

    High: Spending the weekend with DH again. And he's probably coming down this weekend to spend it with me. Ah, I feel super special that we're in love after all these years.

    Low: Late summer cold from hell. WTF Immune system? I thought you were trying to keep me healthy?!?!

    QOTD Share an embarrassing school memory!
    I read a lot of yours and they are very embarassing. I'm going to keep mine to myself because I'm still mortified to this day. Plus, I think I mentally blocked out a lot of my school years.

    I didn't really have internet access for a bit. Sorry I'm sort of here, there and everywhere with posting. 
    I hope the summer cold leaves soon and you don't have to miss any more classes! We've been seeing a wide array of illnesses at my work (which the college kids are back and that makes a huge difference!). Sounds like YH & you had a great rendezvous ;)  FX the next 3 weeks fly by so you can get the diaphragm fitting done and onward with that process. I'm kind of curious about the diaphragm, I've never used one nor knew of anybody that I really know who did either.  I'm guessing it wouldn't be much different than the nuvaring (other than hormones)?

    BFP#4 3/17/14 - rainbow Baby BOY arrived 11/10/14 !!

    DX: Uterine Septum - Resection 9/5/13 || MTHFR Hetero A1298C || My Chart

    image    image




  • Options
    JCM285 said:
    My TTA frustrations haven't really surfaced in a while, I am happy to say.  This week has been more highs than lows (although it's not always like that).  Highest high:  I finally got AF after waiting for about 60 days.  I also had a positive doctor appointment yesterday.  He said that it's probably not unusual for me to have a longer cycle and most likely it will even itself out soon.  He isn't giving me anything to take, like bc.  I did some blood work for any possible ovarian problems, but he said it isn't likely.  I am feeling relieved that there doesn't seem to be anything wrong so far.  :-)  QOTD:  Well I can't think of anything embarrassing when I was a student, but I can think of PLENTY of embarrassing school moments as a teacher.  On the first day of school when I taught high school, I knocked over a whole pencil box and it had all sorts of paperclips and things in it too!  One of my nice kids helped me to pick it all up though.  It wasn't that bad, really.
    Being on a high is always a great thing. Kudos to you for that! YAY for AF finally showing, what a relief! Do you know when you'll get the bloodwork back & is there any other testing planning on being done at this point?

    BFP#4 3/17/14 - rainbow Baby BOY arrived 11/10/14 !!

    DX: Uterine Septum - Resection 9/5/13 || MTHFR Hetero A1298C || My Chart

    image    image




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    @KMW08, Thanks!  Yes, blood work will be done in a couple of days.  Gyno. said we will see how the next couple months go in terms of AF to see if it straightens itself out.  He did mention I should continue to get blood work done for betas every month or every other month, though, because of PMP.  I am hoping AF goes back to the way it was before BFP, because it was much better then than it has been now!  
    Married my best friend 7/2/11 - Furbaby born 7/9/11 and brought into our home 9/1/11

    BFP#1:   2/2/13 ~ exact m/c date unknown but around 3/20 at 10 weeks ~ diagnosed with PMP ~ D&C on 4/5 ~ TTA for at least 1 year due to PMP ~ cleared to TTC 1/14

    BFP#2:   2/7/14 ~ m/c 2/20/14 ~ possibly due to chemical pregnancy ~ TG no D&C is needed 

    Surprise BFP#3:  4/4/14 ~ super duper extra happy (and nervous) about this one - EDD 12/9/14!!!

    John Joseph was born on 12/12/14 at 7 lbs. 11 oz.  He is the most beautiful rainbow baby we could have wished for!


  • Options
    Hi everyone, I'm new to the TTCAL board but have been frequenting the TTGP and M/C boards. I lost my baby at 6weeks and was told by my doctor to wait 1 cycle until we can start TTC again. I'm currently waiting to ovulate so AF is nowhere in sight as of right now. I'm just anxious to get this cycle over with so we can start TTC again. Our timeline to TTC again is September/October, depending on how long this cycle is.

    How is everyone this week? Doing ok this week. I still have my moments where I break down in tears from our loss, but it's been a little over 3 weeks and I can see time is slowly healing us.

    Any TTA-related frustrations? I wish O would hurry and show up so we can have unprotected sex again. I have a feeling this cycle is going to be very long, but my doctor did warn me about that and it does make sense that everyone is a bit "off" right now.

    Apples and onions, anyone? What was the high/low of your week? High: Going into NYC with DH, his parents and aunt and uncle. It was quite nice to have a busy day where we didn't think about all the shit in our lives for a while. Low: My sister telling me yesterday that she might be pregnant b/c she and her DH had sex and the condom got stuck inside her...She already has 3 kids and was done having kids. Now she might be pregnant. I'm having a hard time with this but trying to hold it together until she knows for sure. 

    QOTD Share an embarrassing school memory! Hmm, oddly I can't think of one...I guess that's a good thing!
  • Options
    KMW08 said:

    Any TTA-related frustrations?
    Waiting on my appointment for my diaphragm fitting that is still about 3 weeks away. I want to know if this non-hormonal method will work. Otherwise, I just see is in the NTNP crap that we've been in for the last however many years. I had put pregnancy so far out of my mind that I stopped caring month to month and now that I've had a recent loss, I just don't know if I could go back to not obsessing every month if/when/how will Aunt Flow rear her ugly head.

    I hope the summer cold leaves soon and you don't have to miss any more classes! We've been seeing a wide array of illnesses at my work (which the college kids are back and that makes a huge difference!). Sounds like YH & you had a great rendezvous ;)  FX the next 3 weeks fly by so you can get the diaphragm fitting done and onward with that process. I'm kind of curious about the diaphragm, I've never used one nor knew of anybody that I really know who did either.  I'm guessing it wouldn't be much different than the nuvaring (other than hormones)?
    My friend actually recommended it to me. She had been gaining a lot of weight during college on the pill. Her doc suggested the diaphragm and they've been happy with it for the last 3-4 years. She said it is much like the nuva ring. Like a condom, you can put it in right before sex. Usually I have an inkling when that might happen at our house even hours in advance. So you can put it in place well before foreplay and just enjoy yourselves. No awkward waiting and fitting. You have to let it stay in there with the spermicide for a certain amount of time post "the deed" and then take it out and wash before reuse.
    Married to the love of my life since 2005
    TTC #1 - 
    BFP # 1: 5/2006 - m/c @ 6 weeks (natural) / EDD 1/17/2007
    BFP # 2: 7/2007 - chemical pregnancy / EDD 3/18/2008
    BFP # 3: 6/2013 - 7/9 u/s: No hb, measuring 2 weeks behind. Very high HCG#'s 7/21 u/s: No change, ruled out molar pregnancy. Completed Natural Missed M/C 7/26/2013 / EDD 2/5/2014
    TTA with Diaphragm. 
    I didn't want to kiss you goodbye, that was the trouble; I wanted to kiss you goodnight. And there's a lot of difference. - Ernest Hemingway 

    Licensed foster family. No current placements. Open to adoption but that is not our goal and as such we don't have dual foster/adopt home study.
    2012-2013: Former Foster Mommy to 1 bubbly little 8 y.o. girl that has moved onto an amazing adoptive home.

  • Options
    Hi everyone, I'm new to the TTCAL board but have been frequenting the TTGP and M/C boards. I lost my baby at 6weeks and was told by my doctor to wait 1 cycle until we can start TTC again. I'm currently waiting to ovulate so AF is nowhere in sight as of right now. I'm just anxious to get this cycle over with so we can start TTC again. Our timeline to TTC again is September/October, depending on how long this cycle is.

    How is everyone this week? Doing ok this week. I still have my moments where I break down in tears from our loss, but it's been a little over 3 weeks and I can see time is slowly healing us.

    Any TTA-related frustrations? I wish O would hurry and show up so we can have unprotected sex again. I have a feeling this cycle is going to be very long, but my doctor did warn me about that and it does make sense that everyone is a bit "off" right now.

    Apples and onions, anyone? What was the high/low of your week? High: Going into NYC with DH, his parents and aunt and uncle. It was quite nice to have a busy day where we didn't think about all the shit in our lives for a while. Low: My sister telling me yesterday that she might be pregnant b/c she and her DH had sex and the condom got stuck inside her...She already has 3 kids and was done having kids. Now she might be pregnant. I'm having a hard time with this but trying to hold it together until she knows for sure. 

    QOTD Share an embarrassing school memory! Hmm, oddly I can't think of one...I guess that's a good thing!

    Hi and welcome to the check-in! I'm sorry for your loss and that you're finding yourself here. I hope O and/or AF arrive sooner rather than later. With my natural miscarriage AF showed up in the correct time-frame for my cycle. Now my d&c's one took 50days before AF showed and my most recent was 42days.

    Also, it doesn't appear you have intro'd onto TTCAL. I recommend introducing yourself to the rest of the board so you won't be a stranger and so you can get to know the amazing ladies on this board.  If you haven't done so already, visit the ttcal blog:

    BFP#4 3/17/14 - rainbow Baby BOY arrived 11/10/14 !!

    DX: Uterine Septum - Resection 9/5/13 || MTHFR Hetero A1298C || My Chart

    image    image




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    @TravelingCouple, welcome to the board!  I also had some AF troubles post-D&C.  I didn't O in July so my cycle was 60 days long but my doc. says it will straighten itself out.  I guess all in good time!  I hope it happens for you soon!
    Married my best friend 7/2/11 - Furbaby born 7/9/11 and brought into our home 9/1/11

    BFP#1:   2/2/13 ~ exact m/c date unknown but around 3/20 at 10 weeks ~ diagnosed with PMP ~ D&C on 4/5 ~ TTA for at least 1 year due to PMP ~ cleared to TTC 1/14

    BFP#2:   2/7/14 ~ m/c 2/20/14 ~ possibly due to chemical pregnancy ~ TG no D&C is needed 

    Surprise BFP#3:  4/4/14 ~ super duper extra happy (and nervous) about this one - EDD 12/9/14!!!

    John Joseph was born on 12/12/14 at 7 lbs. 11 oz.  He is the most beautiful rainbow baby we could have wished for!


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    New to this board. I am TTA until AF comes, so I'm hoping September, but it could be October. My loss is fresh, it was only a little over a week ago. However, I think I'm Oing now. Which seems remarkably quick, so I'm not sure. I hada natural miscarriage and only had light bleeding and a few clots for 4 days. My levels are at zero, so I'm hoping to be back on track soon. *************************************** How is everyone this week? I could be better. My loss is fresh. Any TTA-related frustrations? The fact that I have to TTA. I just want to be able ttc and move on. Apples and onions, anyone? What was the high/low of your week? High: seeing my 2 year old cousin who is visiting from out of state. Low: getting a call from Babies R Us saying congratulations, QOTD Share an embarrassing school memory! Um, I was a can can dancer in high school and one of may dance involved a boy from school taking my garter belt off and shooting it to the judges.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    BFP 08/14/13 EDD 04/18/14 Natural MC 08/19/13
    BFP 10/15/13 EDD 06/24/2014 Natural MC 10/23/13
    Recurrent Miscarriage Panel done 11/06/13. Results= All normal
    BFP 12/2/13 EDD July 30, 2014
    Beta 12/3/13: 19,261!
    U/S 12/13/13 heart rate 143 bpm!

    My Blog
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    edited August 2013
    Hi, I'm new and would like to be added to this check in. 
    I had a d&c last Wednesday and can't even have sex again until 09/04. I don't
    want to have sex at least until after my first post-d&c AF. DH is rabid and can't wait but it honestly still makes me really sad to even think about sex. It makes me think about my loss. I plan to TTA until at least October. In the meantime I am going to try to be a good girl and chart obediently til things normalize.  GL to everyone this week, I look forward to getting to know you all. 


    Embarrassing HS memory, there are so very many, most of them involve me tripping. 
    My TTA frustration is the idea of using condoms until I can chart myself back to a place where we can TTC. I hate condoms. 
    September Siggy Challenge

    Married 10/16/2010  || TTC since 06/13
    BFP July 15, 2013; EDD April 5th, 2014 
    MMC; D&C August 21 || currently TTA

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    Thank you for the welcome @JCM285 and @ashtonblair123, I will intro to the board as well.
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    Hi, I'm new and would like to be added to this check in. 

    I had a d&c last Wednesday and can't even have sex again until 09/04. I don't want to have sex at least until after my first post-d&c AF. DH is rabid and can't wait but it honestly still makes me really sad to even think about sex. It makes me think about my loss. I plan to TTA until at least October. In the meantime I am going to try to be a good girl and chart obediently til things normalize.  GL to everyone this week, I look forward to getting to know you all. 


    Embarrassing HS memory, there are so very many, most of them involve me tripping. 
    My TTA frustration is the idea of using condoms until I can chart myself back to a place where we can TTC. I hate condoms. 
    I also hate condoms. That's why we've been NTNP for so many years. I am getting fitted for the diaphragm mainly because its non hormonal and no condom necessary.
    Married to the love of my life since 2005
    TTC #1 - 
    BFP # 1: 5/2006 - m/c @ 6 weeks (natural) / EDD 1/17/2007
    BFP # 2: 7/2007 - chemical pregnancy / EDD 3/18/2008
    BFP # 3: 6/2013 - 7/9 u/s: No hb, measuring 2 weeks behind. Very high HCG#'s 7/21 u/s: No change, ruled out molar pregnancy. Completed Natural Missed M/C 7/26/2013 / EDD 2/5/2014
    TTA with Diaphragm. 
    I didn't want to kiss you goodbye, that was the trouble; I wanted to kiss you goodnight. And there's a lot of difference. - Ernest Hemingway 

    Licensed foster family. No current placements. Open to adoption but that is not our goal and as such we don't have dual foster/adopt home study.
    2012-2013: Former Foster Mommy to 1 bubbly little 8 y.o. girl that has moved onto an amazing adoptive home.

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    Hi, I'm new and would like to be added to this check in. 

    I had a d&c last Wednesday and can't even have sex again until 09/04. I don't want to have sex at least until after my first post-d&c AF. DH is rabid and can't wait but it honestly still makes me really sad to even think about sex. It makes me think about my loss. I plan to TTA until at least October. In the meantime I am going to try to be a good girl and chart obediently til things normalize.  GL to everyone this week, I look forward to getting to know you all. 


    Embarrassing HS memory, there are so very many, most of them involve me tripping. 
    My TTA frustration is the idea of using condoms until I can chart myself back to a place where we can TTC. I hate condoms. 
    I also hate condoms. That's why we've been NTNP for so many years. I am getting fitted for the diaphragm mainly because its non hormonal and no condom necessary.
    That's why we NTNP too and I fully intend on that happening forever until I get something more permanent done or make him get something more permanent done. Either way.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    BFP 08/14/13 EDD 04/18/14 Natural MC 08/19/13
    BFP 10/15/13 EDD 06/24/2014 Natural MC 10/23/13
    Recurrent Miscarriage Panel done 11/06/13. Results= All normal
    BFP 12/2/13 EDD July 30, 2014
    Beta 12/3/13: 19,261!
    U/S 12/13/13 heart rate 143 bpm!

    My Blog
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