Stay at Home Moms

Daily Schedules - for yourself

I have a daily schedule of things I want to accomplish each day.  I don't have things put into time slots with the exception of things I want to do/start before 10 am such as tidy up after breakfast & start laundry. I do this so I can start things that take a while but also so my list doesn't look so overwhelming.  I was wondering if the ladies that also have daily schedules/to do lists place things in time slots or just have a goal of completing it by the end of the day.
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Re: Daily Schedules - for yourself

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    I'm admittedly an underachiever when it comes to housework. I have therapists for my daughter in my house three days a week so I have to keep with stuff like keeping the living room/kitchen/bathroom clean, floors tidy but everything else I do when I get to. Today's been rainy so I've been organizing the kids room and catching up with sorting/folding laundry (luckily I have a few helpers. ha.) If there's a day where the kids didn't sleep well or the kids are sick I do nothing outside of the basics. If it gets too messy dh and I will take an hour on a Saturday or Sunday before we go out for the day and play catch up.
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    I usually do a few small chores while DS2 is awake and playing, and do the bigger ones like sweeping, dusting, and mopping when he naps. If I break it up its not so bad. If I have extra things I need to do but keep putting off, I write a to-do list and cross things off once I've completed them, which motivates me. Today, for instance, on my list I have pack for camping, and reorganize bookshelves and closet shelves.

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