February 2013 Moms

Solid Meals

We've been doing solids for about 6 weeks now and have made our way through stage 1 fruits and veggies, a couple cereals, and yogurt. We're doing two meals a day for now, and I usually offer a 4 ounce jar of a fruit or veggie at each. I think it's time to change it up, though, and offer a couple different things at each meal (and maybe some things outside of premade jars). What does everyone typically feed their LOs at a "meal"?

Re: Solid Meals

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    We haven't mad it through stage one stuff yet, so we are just doing one type of food per meal, but once we do get more stuff introduced, as long as she is wanting to eat enough to justify more than one type of food, her meals will probably look like this:

    Breakfast: cereal and fruit
    Lunch: fruit and veggie
    Dinner: veggie and protein

    We may eventually also end up doing an afternoon snack of some sort, depending on what kind of appetite she has and what time we eat dinner. We are trying to get in the habit of having her eat meals with us from now. :)

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    we only do 2 meals as well. I do oatmeal or rice cereal and a fruit in the morning and then at night i usually do a combo of veggies and if hes still hungry a little more cereal. the only caveat is i only introduce new foods in the morning. so if im introducing a veggie, i just flip flop and he gets his veggies in the am and fruit at night. i am sticking with 2 meals for the near term and wont be introducing meat until he has some teeth. the pureed meats freak me out haha.
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    jd614 said:

    we only do 2 meals as well. I do oatmeal or rice cereal and a fruit in the morning and then at night i usually do a combo of veggies and if hes still hungry a little more cereal. the only caveat is i only introduce new foods in the morning. so if im introducing a veggie, i just flip flop and he gets his veggies in the am and fruit at night. i am sticking with 2 meals for the near term and wont be introducing meat until he has some teeth. the pureed meats freak me out haha.

    Just wanted to jump back in and second the part about only introducing new foods early in the day! We do three small meals now, but I make sure new foods are introduced for breakfast or lunch, never dinner.

    Oh, and we're making our own purees, so we are going to buy some meat from a local farm and purée it ourselves! Probably not much though, because DH is a vegetarian and I don't eat much meat myself, so a lot of DD's protein will probably come from lentils and beans and such, and meat will probably only be a couple of times a week.

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    Thanks, everyone! DC2London, at what point did you move past purées? Do we need to wait till DS is doing the pincer grip?
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    Our boys are on the equivalent of stage 3 (we sometimes buy premade, sometimes make our own - but they're on the puree-with-chunks stage). We generally stick to one "food" per meal, still. That one "food" is usually a mix of different foods, but we aren't ready to offer a variety for them to "pick" from yet.

    While this is entirely just anec-data with no foundation in scientific study, it has been my experience that every child I've ever cared for who was permitted to choose their own foods this early on ends up being more picky than those who just eat one food per meal for the first several months - this includes my eldest daughter.

    Because of those personal experiences, we're not offering "selections" for the boys to choose from for another few months yet - so when we give multiple foods, we mix them together, for now.

    Our boys are 7mo old (born nearly 3w early), and they are sitting/crawling, for reference. 
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    *Spontaneous* OHSS diagnosed 08.06.2012
    Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
    Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013

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    Good to know! That makes total sense re: pickiness. We just tried some yogurt mixed with squash for dinner and it was a hit!
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