Baby Names

Opinions on Knox?

Yea still no name here for our boy, coming any day now. Just thought of Knox today and kind of liked it. Thoughts? TIA!!!

Re: Opinions on Knox?

  • I like Knox. I think cowboy names are awesome; they have a very tough, masculine feel.
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  • Not a fan. I think of the fort or Angelina Jolie. But I wouldn't side-eye it
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  • I like Knox. I think cowboy names are awesome; they have a very tough, masculine feel.
    I don't really get a cowboy feel, but I'm wondering if that's why my fiancé likes it. He likes all cowboy stuff

  • @dr.loretta. Secretly, I started liking it after reading an article about Brad haha

  • Don't care for it.
  • It's on our list! Though it may make the middle name place because we love others too. I'm partial to a lot of one syllable names that aren't like Josh, John, etc.

  • Estwd2 said:
    NMS, but I don't hate it. I feel like this is one of those names that HAS to flow nicely with the last name to work.

    It's a nice, 3 syllable last name that flows with a lot of names so I feel like it would. Just can't decide

  • image

    That's funny! I've never seen or heard of that in my life

  • I like it

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  • I love it, but it's a family name. My grandfather, dad and brother are all named Knox. I think it's strong and uncommon.


  • It's strictly a celebaby name to me.
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  • I don't feel like I could take a Knox seriously. I think of Brangelina and the Dr. Seuss character in Fox in Socks. It's like it's trying too hard to be cool. Sorry.
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  • I like it a lot. wish it worked w our LN
  • I love it! It's on our list.

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  • bnikbnik member
    Reminds me of a town in Indiana cause that's the name. But I haven't heard it as a baby name so it would be unique
  • It's NMS. I think it's hyped and trying to be the coolest kid on the name block.
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  • In my sleepy brain, I keep reading Kotex.  I'm sure that won't be a problem for most people, just sleep-deprived ones reading with glazed-over eyes.

    In other news, NMS.

    T 2.12 | W 5.14

  • Thanks for all the opinions!!

  • It's nms.
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  • Love Knox!! Very unique
  • I think of Knox gelatin and Brangelina. Are you open to other suggestions?
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

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  • I actually kind of like it.
    Depending on the middle name and last name? Although being from the Midwest I think more about the college than Bragelina (sp?) But that's just me.
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  • I think of Knox gelatin and Brangelina. Are you open to other suggestions?
    Sure, we have other names we like.. Just kinda thought of it yesterday. I haven't heard of the gelatin until this thread so that is not a concern for me at all. Middle name would be Lawrence

  • Suggestions I have that I think have the same feeling: Sterling, Corbin, Bennett, Oliver or Jude. 
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

    Birdie born 05/01/2007
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    Potato Launcher

  • Suggestions I have that I think have the same feeling: Sterling, Corbin, Bennett, Oliver or Jude. 
    Thanks for the suggestions! We actually went through those names!

  • I like it!  But, I'm biased.   I actually met a very attractive guy with this name.  He was in his late twenties, smart and confident.  I can't help but think of him.  
  • I like it. And pp suggested sterling. I like that name too.
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