July 2013 Moms

Need encouragement.

My LO I assume is going through her 6 wk growth spurt. I do not recall her having a hard 1 wk or 3 wk spurt. This time she is super frustrated and fussy. She will not nurse. I thought the idea of. Growth spurt was for them to nurse more often to make more milk. So how will that work if she isn't nursing after the milk stops. I had to give her an addition 1.75 oz just now of pumped BM. Now she has stopped crying. I am so frustrated with BF I just want to cry. I feel like I've failed her and can't give her what she needs.
Do any of the supplements work for lactation ( fenugreek etc). Other than supplement formula for what I can't produce, what can I do?

Re: Need encouragement.

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    What they told me last week was dint give up on a bad day! It was the best advice I got. I didn't quit and now things are better. I still am supplementing but it's for weight gain.

    I had minimal milk with DS 1 and I took fenugreek and it helped some.
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    I take fenugreek and drink lactation tea. My supply is very low (.5 oz for both breasts at most during a pumping session). The supplements have increased my supply a bit but not enough to provide LO exclusively with breast milk. GL
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    Could just be a bad day. She could be teething or have an ear infection where it hurts to nurse/suck. If it goes on another day put a call into the pediatrician. In the meantime when you are not nursing then pump like mad.

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    kwubkwub member
    I totally understand your frustration. LO can't latch or suck well so we've always had to breast milk supplement with a bottle and it's so hard on me that she can't latch or nurse well and when she does latch, she nurses for maybe 10 minutes tops before she gets mad and fussy. Our BF story is a long one.

    But what I've learned is to take one day at a time. Set small goals for yourself and just know that you are doing the best you can and it's not all your fault. We just have to meet our LO's in the middle and help them do the best they can (when they are in a good mood).
    :) It helps to go to BFing support groups (a LLL meeting for example) and to be a part of BF Facebook groups.

    Pumping more frequently can up your supply and taking the supplements, etc. that others have mentioned can help increase your supply.
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    kwubkwub member
    kdasr said:
    I take Fenugreek (4), Blessed Thistle (3) and Brewers yeast (3) 3 times a day. Pump every 2 hours (EPing this week while I heal from a bad latch), eat oatmeal every morning, take naps through the day and stay hydrated and fed. I've only managed to increase my supply by .5oz per session (.25oz per breast). I'm rather frustrated because everyone swore up and down these things would work like magic. I hope they work for you but be mentally and emotionally prepared for the possibility that they won't.
    That's hard.
    :( How long have you been doing all of that? Maybe your body needs more time. I think it can take awhile to get your supply back up after the initial first two weeks.
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    MrsFurMomMrsFurMom member
    edited August 2013
    Hilaboo86 said:

    My LO I assume is going through her 6 wk growth spurt. I do not recall her having a hard 1 wk or 3 wk spurt. This time she is super frustrated and fussy. She will not nurse. I thought the idea of. Growth spurt was for them to nurse more often to make more milk. So how will that work if she isn't nursing after the milk stops. I had to give her an addition 1.75 oz just now of pumped BM. Now she has stopped crying. I am so frustrated with BF I just want to cry. I feel like I've failed her and can't give her what she needs.
    Do any of the supplements work for lactation ( fenugreek etc). Other than supplement formula for what I can't produce, what can I do?

    How long has your LO been doing that? Mine is 5w2d and has been doing similar tonight. Gives all the hunger cues then when I try to feed she'll only stay on a couple minutes, and that's IF she'll even latch. Lots of fussing ensues and then she nods off for a few minutes. DH suggested offering a bottle but I don't know if I want to do that yet.

    ETA: we have been giving 1-2 bottles a day since 3 weeks, I just don't want to do that just yet tonight.
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    kdasr said:
    I take Fenugreek (4), Blessed Thistle (3) and Brewers yeast (3) 3 times a day. Pump every 2 hours (EPing this week while I heal from a bad latch), eat oatmeal every morning, take naps through the day and stay hydrated and fed. I've only managed to increase my supply by .5oz per session (.25oz per breast). I'm rather frustrated because everyone swore up and down these things would work like magic. I hope they work for you but be mentally and emotionally prepared for the possibility that they won't.

    I'm taking these as well plus goat's rue, malunggay, Shatavari, and domperidone. My supply went from her getting .5 oz from me at our first weighted feed to 1.8oz at our last one. What I've learned though is for me at least there is no miracle herb or drug to suddenly make enough milk for her. It might just be that her suck got stronger. Who knows?

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    MrsFurMom said:

    Hilaboo86 said:

    My LO I assume is going through her 6 wk growth spurt. I do not recall her having a hard 1 wk or 3 wk spurt. This time she is super frustrated and fussy. She will not nurse. I thought the idea of. Growth spurt was for them to nurse more often to make more milk. So how will that work if she isn't nursing after the milk stops. I had to give her an addition 1.75 oz just now of pumped BM. Now she has stopped crying. I am so frustrated with BF I just want to cry. I feel like I've failed her and can't give her what she needs.
    Do any of the supplements work for lactation ( fenugreek etc). Other than supplement formula for what I can't produce, what can I do?

    How long has your LO been doing that? Mine is 5w2d and has been doing similar tonight. Gives all the hunger cues then when I try to feed she'll only stay on a couple minutes, and that's IF she'll even latch. Lots of fussing ensues and then she nods off for a few minutes. DH suggested offering a bottle but I don't know if I want to do that yet.

    ETA: we have been giving 1-2 bottles a day since 3 weeks, I just don't want to do that just yet tonight.
    She's been fussy for a few days now. She is 6 wk 2 days. I honestly don't know why she is being this way. I've tried everything. When she was given the bottle, it stopped.
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    I struggled with supply when nursing DS. I started taking Motherlove's Mire Milk Plus tincture on rec from my LC and it was a miracle worker:


    This is what I take also and I pump 2-3 times a day. It's been helping increase my supply.
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    Sounds like PPs have given you some great advice, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry that you're having a rough day. Growth spurts suck but are a necessary evil. I hope things get better soon and keep up the good work.

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