January 2014 Moms

Another name post :)

Ok, so we don't know what we are having yet, that appointment is on Tuesday (yay!). We have chosen names through. Our style is biblical/family names. Ds name is Emmanuel Isaac Christian W...we do three names and will do that for this child as well. Isaac so happens to be biblical, but is also a family name for dh.

So for a boy we chose Samuel Edward ______. Edward is a family name on my side. Sammy will be the nickname. No clue for the second middle name,any suggestions?

For a girl we chose Emani (of which I found out means the same thing as emmanuel, I know is probably a little weird, but I don't mind ) Joy ______. I was thinking Emani Joy Crystal (my first name) but I don't know if I like the flow. Dh was thinking Emani Joy Birdsong (Birdsong is my maiden name), but I don't like that too much.

Family names we have to choose from on my side are Jannie, Peach, Biance, not much to chose from, except maybe Biance ( pronounced exactly like Beyonce without the e, if that makes sense). So if ya'll have any suggestions, I am open. Thanks!

Re: Another name post :)

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    Samuel Edward is my boy's name too! Love it and Edward is a family name for me also. I like Joseph with those two names, but that might just be because that's also a big name in my family!

    Can you switch Crystal and Joy? Maybe Emani Crystal Joy flows better with your last name?
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    How about Samuel Edward Levi. Or Samuel Edward Jude. Samuel Edward Thomas.

    And I think Emani is interesting, but it is sooo similar to your son's name already. I do like Emani Joy together. Not knowing your last name its hard to know what to suggest for the second middle name.

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    Married October 2009. Me 29 H 28.
    After 1 year of infertility, our little miracle was conceived via our 3rd IUI on May 5, 2013.
    Holland Sophia was born Jan 24, 2014.
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    I agree with PP, Emani is very similar to Emmanuel in sound (and meaning!) Emani Joy does sound cute though.

    I also like Samuel Edward Jude or Samuel Edward James if LO is a boy.
    DS 2014 ❤
    DD 2016 ❤

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    Yeah, the names Emmanuel and Emani are definitely similar. Dh likes that they are close and I don't mind.
    @cara1024 last name is Williams.
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