School-Aged Children

8 year old girl birthday

Hi all, new here! My stepdaughter is turning 8. Any ideas for a major gift? We don't want to buy small stuff. She has so many already and will be getting more plus clothes from others. She wants a kindle but we are trying to explore other options also because her bio mom may be getting her one. Anyone know of something really cool and memorable for her?

Re: 8 year old girl birthday

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    I had a hard time shopping for my DD at that age as well.  She was already starting to be less into toys, but we weren't ready to make the jump to cell phone, iPod touch, or other "big kid" electronics.  She didn't really get into clothes until she was 12. We filled the gap with a few cool things:

    --bigger, more adult art supplies and arts/crafts classes -- my daughter is an art fanatic, but you could substitute whatever hobby or sport she's into.
    --tickets to outings, shows, and museum experiences -- great because they provide memorable experiences but you don't have to store a toy in your already-crowded home!
    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
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    Just a lurker, but American Girl dolls were huge with my daughter and her friends at that age! Or a giant furlicious beanbag chair from pottery barn teen or even a gigantic stuffed animal if you can stamd the thought of it ;)
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    A mani pedi day with a friend or two
    A weekend trip to an indoor water park
    Concert tickets
    A day trip for something like horseback riding

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