For the past few days a couple of the gifs on the "Stalker Feed" have been flagged and discussed on other boards, specifically the bacon thread. Can I say I think it's HYSTERICAL that people went insane about how inappropriate the bacon penis was and how dare that be put up where their kids can see it. That and I wanted an excuse to use this gif.
Re: Gifs being flagged and talked about
Are you serious? That is ridiculous.
Half of my wall was deleted, because people were all oh noes.
Which is worse, pearl clutching over bacock or dandelions?
A large number of posters said they could see the screamer's point. Dandelions bring down the value of the neighborhood or something. Just take care of your lawn and spray poison!
I revealed I'd been lurking and said something along the lines of preferring lawns that don't look like golf course, and made a joke about being an amphibian freak and that since frogs and salamanders are so sensitive to run off, I couldn't stand using something I knew would kill them.
The rest was a lot of "don't be lazy!! Fix your lawn!!" And "my lawn is nice, guess I'm a frog killer".