September 2013 Moms

Ugly baby.

So I know this tends to be a controversial issue, whether its your baby being talked about or someone else's. I've always thought all babies are cute. At my appt on Monday I was kind of doctor told me her first daughter was the ugliest baby she's ever seen. My jaw dropped and I didn't really know how to respond. I've NEVER heard anyone say their own baby is the ugliest baby ever. She even described how she looked. She continued to say "I told my husband we shouldn't have anymore if this is how they're going to come out." I seriously didn't know how to respond. I just kind of awkwardly chuckled and let her continue on until she was finished. Has anyone ever heard someone say their own baby is ugly?? Lol. I can't imagine you'd think that about your own baby...or do people really think this and I'm just blinded by it? Lol.
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