April 2014 Moms


Spending the entire day tomorrow at Disneyland for my little sisters 19th bday... Poor me, right? Other than the obvious, avoiding fast, jerky rides, generally overdoing it, and drinking lots of water- any other advice from experienced mamas?

Lately I've been feeling the need to sit down due to minor tummy cramps so I'm sure we will be taking many breaks and of course I'll be sitting out on all the fun rides (WELL worth it). Any extra advice is welcome!!

This will actually be LO's third unofficial visit, but my first actually "feeling" pregnant!

Re: Disneyland

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    mandiroomandiroo member
    edited August 2013
    We're taking DD there in a couple of weeks! I'm a lil bummed to miss my favorite rides, but very thankful that I have to sit those out. No advice; I haven't been there while pregnant yet. I hope it's not too hot for you, take it easy!
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    All are welcome in my posts

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    Thank you @Mandiroo, I bet you guys will have a blast! Will report back :)
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    We have annual passes to Disney World, so I've been there quite a few times while pregnant. Definitely drink lots of water and sit and rest when you need to. The hardest thing for me was finding somewhere to sit with some A/C. Most of the stores don't have seats or anything. The only other thing I can think of is to bring snacks or something so that nausea doesn't bother you. Good luck and have fun!
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    We're going to Disney World in September for a week.  There will be 4 kids under 3 and 4 adults.  I hope I can keep up with everyone.  First tri exhaustion can be rough.  I hope that I can bring water and some healthy snacks in because I will feel like crap if i'm eating junk all day.

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    @vabride2008 I live in Orlando and go to WDW all the time, they do allow you to bring your own bottled water. Have fun! Hopefully it will cool off some before you come.
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    We are doing WDW (Magic Kingdom) in Sept too! I don't know about Disneyland but at Magic Kingdom outside of Splash, Thunder and Space Mountain you can pretty much ride everything. Hope you have a great time!
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    My husband and I are headed there in September as well and I've been reading about rides to avoid but most seem okay! Just take lots of rest when you need it and use it as an excuse to shop!! Have fun at Disney today! :)
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    We're going in February, not super excited about going while 7 months pregnant! I went last time while pregnant but wasn't that far along and I felt like being any more pregnant I would have been super exhausted. Hopefully it's still fun! Have a good time!!
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    Haha thank you everyone!! Sounds like you ladies might cross paths at WDW in Sept! So lucky, have been to Disneyland dozens of times... But never WDW! Someday... Maybe a push present??? Never to early to hope ;)
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    Yay! At the most magical place on earth... 5 weeks tomorrow!
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