Pregnant after a Loss

Arms Reach Co-Sleeper?

Anyone have or have experience with the Arms Reach Co-sleeper Bassinet?  We found one this weekend at a consignment store that is the full size version that converts into a play-yard. I can find reviews on the mini - but not the full and I'm really interested to hear if any of you have any experience.  I nursed my DD and I hope to do the same this time so keeping the LO in the room is the best option early on for me. TIA!

Re: Arms Reach Co-Sleeper?

  • I originally registered for the full-size, but couldn't find it in any brick-and-mortar stores around, so I switched it to the mini, which MIL bought for us. 

    That being said, it's still in the box (anything we set up right now would just turn into a very expensive deluxe cat bed), and obviously, we haven't used it yet, so I can't provide any feedback yet. 
    TTC with MFI, PCOS, and endometriosis since February 2010
    BFP January 20,2012, Loss confirmed January 22,2012
    March-August 2012: Various medicated/IUI cycles, all BFN
    Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy October 2012: Fall Cleaning, Uterus Edition
    BFP 2-17-12 @12DPO Beta#1: 256 Beta#2: 1061
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  • We have the mini and LOVE it. I wish I got the full size just so I could have kept DD in it longer (she was in it for 10 months!!) because she was so squished at the end.

    It was super convenient to have her next to me for late night BF sessions. If she made any noise, I could easily reach over and rub her back or check for leaks/smell for poopy diapers without worrying about the MOTN accidents. Plus, it was just great having her so close to me since I had major anxiety about her being in her own room.

    Now, that being said, it was also a giant waste of space for the first 6 weeks or so. She slept in a bouncy chair on the other side of the bed because being flat was just not happening for her. She needed to be at an incline for the first few weeks and then gradually felt comfortable enough to lay flat.

    We will be using it with this LO as well.
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    BFP 7.7.09 - CVS 9.10.09 (Girl) - 9.24.09 Severe Fatal Malformation - D&E 10.7.09 @ 17wks
    BFP 6.1.10 - 6.10.10 Ectopic M/C @ 5wks
    BFP 10.26.10 - 10.29.10 CP
    BFP 1.30.11 - CVS 3.28.11 (Girl) - EDD 10.11.11 - Born 10.6.11
    BFP 12.18.12 - 12.20.12 CP
    BFP 3.18.13 - CVS 5.21.13 (Girl) - EDD 12.2.13 - Born 11.24.13
    BFP 6.10.14 - CVS 7.2.14 (Girl) - EDD 1.12.15 - Born sleeping 8.6.14 @ 17w5d
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  • My SIL had the mini, and it's now in my bedroom. I don't have any experience with the full. But my SiIL loved the mini!
    BFP #1 11/27/11 EDD 08/08/12 M/C 01/27/12 12 wks 2 days
    BFP #2 04/25/12 EDD 01/04/13(?) confirmed ectopic 05/16/12 6 wks 5 days 2 doses of MTX-Lost left tube on 05/25/12 Back to TTC, earlier than originally expected.
    BFP #3 01/05/13 EDD 09/17/13 u/s 1/24/13-great appt, measuring 2 days ahead, NT scan 3/11/13-great scan measuring 4 days ahead, A/S 4/29/13-another great scan can't wait to meet my baby BOY!!!!!
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  • I havent used mine yet but I have the full sized and I cant wait to try it out!
    Married my very own GI Joe May 2002
    BFP May 2002  NMC June 2002
    BFP September 2002 ID twins born April 2003 @ 35 weeks
    BFP September 2007 DD born May 2008
    BFP August 2012 MC October 2012
    BFP January 2012 DD October 2013

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