May 2013 Moms

do you STTN when your LO does?

For the first time ever, S slept through the night last night! We got her ready for bed around 8, she was fast asleep by 9 and didn't get up until 5:30. I, of course, did not sleep nearly as well as she did. I was up at 1, then again at 2, then got up at 4 and wasn't able to fall back asleep. I have no idea if this STTN will last, but I'm hoping I'll start sleeping better if she is. For those of you with babies that sleep through the night, how long did it take you to start doing the same (assuming you do)?

Re: do you STTN when your LO does?

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    The few times LO has slept till 4 am, I've gotten up at 1 to pump.

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    Yes. I am 'aware' but dont wake up.
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    MrsRKJMrsRKJ member
    For the most part yes, but I naturally wake up a couple times a night, so I'll check on him just to make sure he's still breathing!
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    I think I would, but V and E are 3 months old and I don't obsess over every sniffle and snort like I did in the earlier weeks.

    E has actually STTN the past two nights running. V, unfortunately doesn't like to skip meals. Actually, we've been bedsharing a lot with her because she won't resettle in her RnP after her MoTN feeding. So she will snack at her convenience while I'm still mostly asleep. This morning I woke to find my left boob (E's) as hard as a boulder while my right boob (V's) was nearly empty.
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    HZ2012HZ2012 member
    The first time I woke up a few times, by the 2nd night, I woke up, but less often, by the 3rd night, I slept right on through with him. Enjoy!
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    I was only able to STTN once. In the back of my mind, I know I want to pump in the MOTN so I wind up waking up between 2 and 3am every night.
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    Last weekend I decided to skip my MOTN pumping session just to see how long LO would sleep (I would usually get up at 4:00 and pump then feed her at 5:00 when she would start to wake up). Turns out the kid sleeps until 7:00! She will still stir between 5:00 and 6:00, but as long as no one goes in her room, she just falls back asleep. 

    Now we all sleep from at least midnight (we put LO down around 11:00 after a sleep-feed- she's usually pretty sleepy by 9:00) until 7:00 when H feeds LO while I pump my rock hard boobs. 
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    KashyKashy member
    The first few nights I still woke up at about 3ish thinking that I heard him and then went to check on him and he was fast asleep. That is when he used to get up at night.  But now I just sleep right through. 
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    be888be888 member
    I STTN most nights except when LO starts fighting the swaddle to fart or poop, and is really loud. The other night my dh, baby, and dog were all snoring, and I couldn't fall back asleep.

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    As much as I ever did.  I usually wake up once a night to pee.
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    Now I do. The first couple of times he STTN before he was consistent I woke up and looked at the time and was shocked he had a stretch of more than 5 hrs. My milk supply has also adjusted for his lack of MOTN feedings.

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    I think I would, but V and E are 3 months old and I don't obsess over every sniffle and snort like I did in the earlier weeks.

    E has actually STTN the past two nights running. V, unfortunately doesn't like to skip meals. Actually, we've been bedsharing a lot with her because she won't resettle in her RnP after her MoTN feeding. So she will snack at her convenience while I'm still mostly asleep. This morning I woke to find my left boob (E's) as hard as a boulder while my right boob (V's) was nearly empty.

    My son won't go back in his rnp after his motn feeding either! And I don't sleep well when he's next to me. I'm going to try putting him in his crib for the first time tonight. The one time he slept 7 hours straight I did too. Would love that to become the norm.
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    BabyFruit Ticker
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    The first time LO slept through the night we were on vacation at my Mom's house and I panicked when she didn't wake me up.  She slept through the night a couple of nights we were there, then went back to one MOTN feeding.

    The past two nights she's been sleeping through the night, going down between 11 and midnight, and sleeping until 7am.  She sleeps in the cosleeper next to my side of the bed, so if I get worried, I can just roll over and check on her with the light of my cell phone.

    Since she's been sleeping through the night, the only time I wake up is when my breasts are becoming engorged from her missing her feeding.  I just get to a more comfortable position and fall back asleep.

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    pnutg said:

    My son won't go back in his rnp after his motn feeding either! And I don't sleep well when he's next to me. I'm going to try putting him in his crib for the first time tonight. The one time he slept 7 hours straight I did too. Would love that to become the norm.

    Good luck!

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    It took almost a week for me to sleep peacefully the whole night after LJ began STTN. We had to move the monitor to my husband's side of the bed because I kept waking up to look at it. Once we did that, it was much easier for me to fall asleep and stay asleep.
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    On the rare occasion my LO has slept through the night I got up to pump.

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    The first few time DS STTN, I did not. I was up checking on him and contemplating waking him up [-X After the first few times, I learned to sleep until he starts making noise.

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    I mentioned yesterday how well Y is sleeping through the night...well she's still asleep and it's after 9am!  She's been sleeping for 9 1/2 hours.  I woke at 7 like usual with her stirring, but she went back to sleep.

    I am really thinking about waking her up.  I had to pump to relieve pressure but wanted to make sure there was enough left from my first letdown.  

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    I never STTN before I got pregnant!  lol


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