Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Ways to sooth without feeding?

My LO is 4 months and 1 week and has completely regressed sleep wise.  She has been waking every 2-3 hours again.  I know that this can be typical round 4 months  as they start to do more ("talk," roll over, etc).  As she wakes up she does not need to eat, but instead a diaper change and be put back to bed.  How do you sooth your little one during this time (ways other then eating).   Also, does your LO eat directly before bedtime??  I'm wondering if the wet diapers are because we are putting her to bed so full ...

Re: Ways to sooth without feeding?

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    No advice but wanted to let you know we are in the same situation. DD is the same age. I nurse her to sleep before bed and with the wake ups in the middle of the night. I have had some success giving her the paci but it doesn't usually work. If it does it buys me maybe another hour if I'm lucky.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the replies.

    DD #1: March 20, 2013
    DD # 2: May 2, 2015
    EDD #3: March 4, 2018


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    Have you tried feeding her and she's not hungry or do you just assume she's not hungry because she used to STTN? It's true a lot of babies are up at this age just to hang out and practice new skills, but there is also a growth spurt around this time, so she could very well be hungry. Have you tried a paci but not changing the diaper? I stopped changing DS's diaper in the MOTN as soon as he stopped pooping after feeds, so around 3 or 4 weeks. He usually wakes once to eat, and I don't change him because it wakes him up too much.
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    My LO started doing this, but we just transitioned her from RNP to crib. She eats 4-5oz so she is hungry. I also wake her up to feed her before we go to bed around 10pm. The pedi did say that you should try to give paci first and then resort to feeding last because even we could drink a glass of water in the middle of the night (even tho we prob don't need it).
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    She does not have an interest in eating, just needs to be soothed, that's why I asked what other people are doing during this time.  It's amazing how quickly people assume that I am not tending to my daughter's needs.  Of course if she is hungry I feed her.
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    She does not have an interest in eating, just needs to be soothed, that's why I asked what other people are doing during this time.  It's amazing how quickly people assume that I am not tending to my daughter's needs.  Of course if she is hungry I feed her.
    People asked how you know she's not hungry since you didn't specify in your OP. No one said you aren't tending to her needs. Relax.
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    I usually go in her room, give her the binky, turn on her seahorse, pull up her blanket and she usually falls back to sleep.  If not, I put my hand on her chest and she will hold my fingers and fall asleep.  
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    My LO has been waking up a lot, but I just leave her alone. Only if she cries do I go tend to her. I offer her a paci, and she'll take it if she's not hungry. I'll stand by her crib and caress her a little, maybe sing to her. If she's hungry, she'll keep crying. If your LO is not hungry, I wouldn't even change her diaper if she's not bothered by it and her clothes are not wet. Will she fall back asleep without the diaper change?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Yes, DD is nursed before bed. To soothe, I have this one lullaby tune that I've been humming to DD since I was about 6 mos pregnant. Every night at bedtime, I nurse her and hum this same lullaby to put her to sleep (I only reserve this for bedtime and not for naps, hoping that she'll be able distinguish the humming for bedtime - and it seems to work!). If DD wakes during the night after I've already fed her (and I can tell it's fussiness) I'll pick her up,rest her head over my shoulder and hum her lullaby and she's back to sleep within minutes.

    Maybe find/do something repetitive that your LO will hopefully recognize as a soother for bed, like humming or white noise (we use an app for background noise as well at bedtime and turn it back on if she stirs during the night). Do this at the start of bedtime so your LO is accustomed to it and will associate it with comfort if you need it during the night as well. Hope that helps! GL :)



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