October 2013 Moms

On Facebook came across a picture of my husband and the woman he left me for!

Was on a mutual friends page and saw this , it's been 2 1/2 weeks since he moved out. I feel so awful about myself , this is what he left me for? I feel like everything is falling down all around me.
Kikimomof3 :)

Re: On Facebook came across a picture of my husband and the woman he left me for!

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    Inn2Inn2 member
    I am sorry you are going through this. The downside of Facebook. Hang in there, it will get better.
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    I'm sorry. That sucks.

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    I'm sorry that you are going through this at a time like this. Hope it gets better
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    I'm sorry you're going through this.  I have no advice other than to keep your chin up and keep doing what you can to be the best mom to your children and future little one.  *Big Hugs*

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    OMG. That blows! Sorry you had to see that. Boo.


    photo f5b87909-fb54-49d9-91f2-1c11ca11c6c6_zpsb539db06.jpgimage

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    WeljadraakWeljadraak member
    edited July 2013
    It is hard to look forward right now but ...One day at a time...
    Keep your chin up 

    Edit: I'm still racking my brain for this one.  I can't believe he posted a picture so soon after...like he's completely unaffected.  WTF? I'm pissed about this situation. 
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    Ugh, I'm so sorry. Give it time, things will get better. Take care of yourself.
    Matilda 6/19/09
    Graham 10/25/13
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    *hugs* I am so sorry you have to deal with that, but you deserve so much better. He is not even worth the pain, any man that leaves his pregnant wife for another woman is lower than scum. I am sure it is so very difficult right now, but I wish you all the best. Your future is brighter without crap like him dragging you down. *hugs*

    After almost 3 years of IF and a crazy roadside delivery, we are loving life with our second beautiful daughter! Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    Mae208Mae208 member
    Omg I am so sorry!! I have to agree with PPs, you are sooooo much better
    Off without that scumbag in your life! No real man treats a woman like this. Hang in there sister. Things will get better! *hugs*
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    You poor thing! Like this isn't hard enough on you without him smearing this where you could see.
    Sisters:  Now and then.


    Elijah's 1st day of Kindergarten!
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    So sorry! Keep your head up!
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    I'm so sorry! :(
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    He clearly sucks and though it's terrible now he will regret it and you will find better!
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    I'm sorry and I know it sucks now, but will get better. It isn't going to be easy but do you really want a douche fuck like him?! She is a whore with a jacked up grill, they deserve each other. Keep your chin up and be strong, you and your kids deserve so much better. Do NOT take him back!
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    kdjuddkdjudd member
    Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry, hun. I can't imagine how devastating that must be. I wish I knew what to say, but I have no words. *hugs*
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    HFrizzle said:
    Um, she is not cute! And you can do way better!!
    I second this.  Hang in there, it will get better!

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    I'm so sorry! That's horrible :(
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    Posts like these make me happy that we can say fuck! He is a fucking loser! Seriously who does this?! Even if we can excuse his cheating on his pregnant wife, what kind of asshole flaunts it on FB? He is a disgusting and she is gross.

    I watched a friend go through this while pregnant and I am so sorry for you. It may get worse before it gets better, but it will get better. You need to believe that!
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    My heart dropped reading and seeing this..... As if it's not disgusting enough that he left while you were pregnant, he kicks it in with a pic of his whore on FB?!?!
    She will never be the woman and lady you are. She has to be the epitome of whore to even consider dating a man with a wife, let alone pregnant wife. He'll realize this as well, and I hope you are in the 'fuck you' stage when he does. Uncouth piece of shit idiot is the phrase that keeps running through my mind.
    Girly, he downgraded. He had a Bentley and now has a hooptie! Make sure you let him lay in the bed he's made, anyone that would do this is clearly not worth your love or time!
    For your sake, block him from FB and try not to creep from your friend's page. It's gonna be hard and I'm sure it hurts like hell; but you will get through it!! One day you may even thank him, clearly he did you a favor. You deserve better!! Chin up!
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    I'm so sorry girl. Keep your chin up. You are definitely better off without him. I know it's easier said then done. Take care of yourself. 
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    --halo----halo-- member
    edited July 2013
    I am so sorry that he left you. And I am sorry that you have to see him flaunt his douchebaggery on the internet. :(
    I used to be a big deal.  Now I'm just old. 
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    AjoydAjoyd member
    You shouldn't feel bad about yourself! He's a scumbag and so is she to be with a man who left his wife and children. Hang in there, I'm so sorry you had to see that.

    Married my love 8-25-12 TTC #1 September 2012. BFP 2-2-13. DS born 10-16-13.
    TTC #2 in December 2014. BFP 12-31-14. Expecting a September baby!
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    What a douche bag! She is a real barker and definitely has no respect for herself or you or any morals to fool around with a married man! Skizzank!!!
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    What a douche. You're better off.
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    Print out whatever you can from that Facebook including dates and times. The whole situation will make your case stronger in court. I'm so sorry you are going through this.
    What she said. Seriously. Sending good thoughts and vibes to you today.

    TTC #1 Jan 2013, BFP 1/31/13, EDD 10-12-13
    GD Dx @ 25 weeks, diet managed
    Baby Boy arrived one week early on 10-5-13

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