Working Moms

Mad at myself

I go back to work the end of next month and I'm disgusted with myself for not losing weight to fit back into my work clothes from 2 years prior. I feel bad I lack will power and will need to spend money on new clothes. On the other hand a little piece of me says not to beat myself up so much about it as its been a wonderful year but a ton of work raising twins. Can anyone relate? I know beating myself up isn't a good place to be in and I want to be stricter in August.

Re: Mad at myself

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    Getting a new wardrobe that fits may actually help make you feel better so I would just go ahead and do it. Make it cute stuff that compliments your body now, not your body as your fantasy mind would have it be. It will give you confidence when you go back to work :)

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    I understand how you feel!  I could fit back into most of my clothes after my first was born, but I gained a lot more during my second pregnancy and lost a lot less after. :(  I resisted buying new clothes, because it made me feel depressed about not being able to/not disciplined enough to lose the weight.  Plus I hate shopping. 

    I agree with the pp who advises that buying something that fits will give you confidence and not to buy with your fantasy size in mind.  I still have to resist the latter.  I'm not exactly happy when I'm buying clothes in larger sizes, but I do get a boost of confidence when I'm wearing clothes that actually fit me and compliment my shape.  The reality is that even if I lost all the weight, I'm a different shape now and most of my work clothes were tailored and probably wouldn't have fit me perfectly anymore anyway.

    Pretend all your old clothes are out of style and go shopping for something new. 

    Son #1 - September '09
    Son #2 - October '11
    Son #3 - Hoping to adopt from China some time in 2014!

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    I lost almost all my baby weight within a month, but I still felt gross and out of shape for a good 6 months post delivery.  I forced myself to work out  a lot and now I'm back to my old self.  It takes time and a lot of work.  You'll get there. 

    I would buy a few essentials in a larger size and keep eating healthy and working out.  Once you lose the weight, get rid of the larger sized clothes or have them taken in.  You can do it! 

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    Thanks for responding. I'm going to really try better eating this upcoming month and hold off buying clothes till the end of the month. Yes, it's frustrating to be buying bigger sizes. :(
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    I go back 8/15 and I only fit into about half of my pre-baby clothes. I will have to go shopping as well. It is what it is. Don't worry about it. We're not celebrities w/ personal trainers, no on expects us to bounce back in a few months. It took 9 months to get that way, it could take a year to reverse it.

    "No one will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside." -Unknown

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