Good morning! I haven't' been on much this weekend because we are on a mini vacation, we head back home tomorrow night. Hope everyone has a good monday and enjoyed their weekend.
~Missed MC at 8 weeks. D&C at 12 weeks on 4/17/13~
Good morning everybody! I'm back to work today, hoping its not crazy because Mondays can sometimes be ridiculous! Also there's a good chance for showers and rain most of the day and rain brings out the crazies to my work. FX no crazies here today either!
BFP#4 3/17/14 - rainbowBaby BOY arrived 11/10/14 !!
Good morning, ladies! I didn't really get into all of the drama on the board over the weekend (I was hanging out with DH all weekend and I'm not very good at multi-tasking) but I did get glimpses of what was going on, so I just wanted to offer (((HUGS))) to everyone and say that hopefully we will have a better week!
Good morning, have to say that the cult thread with those fantastic pics has made my Monday morning a little more tolerable. Hope everyone's gets to ease into this new week and has a lovely day!
(USE TO BE, WISH2BEMOMMY). 1st BFP ever Aug. 16, 2010.... 1st OB appt. Sept. 8, 2010, u/s showed poss. blighted ovum.... b/w 9/8/10 22,698 b/w 9/10/10 14,521.... mmc confirmed, started naturally m/c 9/15/10, d & c 9/16/10 I love you my precious monkey!! 2nd BFP March 2011.... c/p, miss you lil one!! 3rd BFP Nov. 20, 2011, subcornial hemorrhage detected 11/24/11 heartbeat found.... LO's heartbeat lost 11/25/11.... d & c 11/26/11..... I love and miss you so much baby!!!! C/P 4/26/12.... gone before I knew you.... off BCP 10-1-13.. BFP 11-20-13.. SCH for 7 weeks.. 3-4-14: It's a Girl!.. 4-22-12 emergency cerclage placed..7-7-14 cerclage removed at 36w.. delivered Lillian Marie 7-28-14..
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth.
Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth"
Good morning. Hope everyone is doing good on this chilly Monday. I am struggling. Which I hate to admit. But I am. I have been needy lately and I hate being needy. I'm ready to TP myself. I have had 4 pregnancy announcements and 2 births not including TB in the last week. Even though I know there are not a limited number of babies I just would really love to be able to go a day or 2 without an announcement. Debating deleting FB, TB and FF from my phone or just getting rid of my phone and becoming a recluse. Thanks for listening to me whine ladies. I appreciate you so. I know I've been asking a lot lately.
((HUGS)) Snegde. Stepping away from social networking may do you some good. I've done it before and felt a lot better afterwards. I've also blocked many people from my newsfeed.
Good morning. Hope everyone is doing good on this chilly Monday. I am struggling. Which I hate to admit. But I am. I have been needy lately and I hate being needy. I'm ready to TP myself. I have had 4 pregnancy announcements and 2 births not including TB in the last week. Even though I know there are not a limited number of babies I just would really love to be able to go a day or 2 without an announcement. Debating deleting FB, TB and FF from my phone or just getting rid of my phone and becoming a recluse. Thanks for listening to me whine ladies. I appreciate you so. I know I've been asking a lot lately.
Good morning. Hope everyone is doing good on this chilly Monday. I am struggling. Which I hate to admit. But I am. I have been needy lately and I hate being needy. I'm ready to TP myself. I have had 4 pregnancy announcements and 2 births not including TB in the last week. Even though I know there are not a limited number of babies I just would really love to be able to go a day or 2 without an announcement. Debating deleting FB, TB and FF from my phone or just getting rid of my phone and becoming a recluse. Thanks for listening to me whine ladies. I appreciate you so. I know I've been asking a lot lately.
Big (((HUGS))) Snegde
TTCAL September Siggy Challenge: Interesting Interspecies Interactions
Good morning. Hope everyone is doing good on this chilly Monday. I am struggling. Which I hate to admit. But I am. I have been needy lately and I hate being needy. I'm ready to TP myself. I have had 4 pregnancy announcements and 2 births not including TB in the last week. Even though I know there are not a limited number of babies I just would really love to be able to go a day or 2 without an announcement. Debating deleting FB, TB and FF from my phone or just getting rid of my phone and becoming a recluse. Thanks for listening to me whine ladies. I appreciate you so. I know I've been asking a lot lately.
((HUGS)) Snegde. Stepping away from social networking may do you some good. I've done it before and felt a lot better afterwards. I've also blocked many people from my newsfeed.
::hugs:: I would step away from FB for now, or at least hide people from your news feed. I wish I could give you some irl hugs.
PAL Sep challenge George Takei
Started dating in 5/9/05, Married 6/25/11
Started TTC Feb 2013, BFP #1 3/4/13 EDD 11/10/13. MMC 4/9/13 D&C 4/22/13.
BFP #2 7/17/13, EDD 3/29/14 ended in a CP on 7/22/13.
BFP#3 8/19/13 EDD 5/3/14 Nerdling was born 4/29/14, welcome little one!
Good morning. Hope everyone is doing good on this chilly Monday. I am struggling. Which I hate to admit. But I am. I have been needy lately and I hate being needy. I'm ready to TP myself. I have had 4 pregnancy announcements and 2 births not including TB in the last week. Even though I know there are not a limited number of babies I just would really love to be able to go a day or 2 without an announcement. Debating deleting FB, TB and FF from my phone or just getting rid of my phone and becoming a recluse. Thanks for listening to me whine ladies. I appreciate you so. I know I've been asking a lot lately.
big (((hugs))) to you love. this sucks and i hope you feel better soon sweety :-S
Me: 38, DH: 40 | Married April 2012 | TTC since October 2012
DX: Hypothyroid, DOR, Right Tube Blocked, Uterine Fibroid (awaiting hysteroscopy) | DH: Beta Thal Minor, ED (Cialis)
OCT - DEC 2012 | TI | BFN
JAN 2013 | BFP ~ EDD 9/23/13
MAR 2013 | MMC due to Trisomy 10 ~ D&E MAR. 8
APR - JUN 2013 | TTA
JUL - NOV 2013 | TI | BFN
NOV 2013 | HSG & SHG ~ Right Tube Blocked & "Thickening" of Uterus
DEC 2013 - JAN 2014 | NTNP | BFN ~ Switched to new practice
JAN - FEB 2014 | 3-D u/s & SHG ~ Uterine Fibroid ~ Awaiting Hysteroscopy
TTC since Sept 2012 M/C on 5/01/13 at 8 wks
AF finally appeared 11 wks later per Provera
Diagnosed with PCOS on 7/29/13
Three Failed Medicated Cycles, NTNP Indefinitely BFP #2 9/14/14, EDD 5/23/14...MMC discovered @ 9w2d; D&C 10/23/14
Good morning. Hope everyone is doing good on this chilly Monday. I am struggling. Which I hate to admit. But I am. I have been needy lately and I hate being needy. I'm ready to TP myself. I have had 4 pregnancy announcements and 2 births not including TB in the last week. Even though I know there are not a limited number of babies I just would really love to be able to go a day or 2 without an announcement. Debating deleting FB, TB and FF from my phone or just getting rid of my phone and becoming a recluse. Thanks for listening to me whine ladies. I appreciate you so. I know I've been asking a lot lately.
(((hugs))) I am so sorry you are struggling. I know it doesn't help with the in-person announcements, but like others have said, it might not hurt to step away from the social media.
I had gotten to the point on my FB that I was blocking almost every single person even when they said they had a good time out the night before. Their happiness, no matter the reason, was too much for me.
I wish I could recall who here encouraged I deactivate my account, because I finally did it yesterday. Already it feels like one of the things constantly nagging me is gone. Even after recognizing it as a problem, I found myself logging in because it was right at my fingertips.
Whatever the solution is for you, I hope you can find one that brings you at least a little peace.
Good morning. Hope everyone is doing good on this chilly Monday. I am struggling. Which I hate to admit. But I am. I have been needy lately and I hate being needy. I'm ready to TP myself. I have had 4 pregnancy announcements and 2 births not including TB in the last week. Even though I know there are not a limited number of babies I just would really love to be able to go a day or 2 without an announcement. Debating deleting FB, TB and FF from my phone or just getting rid of my phone and becoming a recluse. Thanks for listening to me whine ladies. I appreciate you so. I know I've been asking a lot lately.
((Hugs)) I'm so sorry that you are having a hard time right now.
~Missed MC at 8 weeks. D&C at 12 weeks on 4/17/13~
(((((Snedge))))) I hate weeks like that, or seeing a phone call from a friend and just somehow knowing before they even say it what they are about to say. It's so hard. Do what you have to do to take care of yourself. (((HUGS)))
Good morning. Hope everyone is doing good on this chilly Monday. I am struggling. Which I hate to admit. But I am. I have been needy lately and I hate being needy. I'm ready to TP myself. I have had 4 pregnancy announcements and 2 births not including TB in the last week. Even though I know there are not a limited number of babies I just would really love to be able to go a day or 2 without an announcement. Debating deleting FB, TB and FF from my phone or just getting rid of my phone and becoming a recluse. Thanks for listening to me whine ladies. I appreciate you so. I know I've been asking a lot lately.
(((hugs))) FWIW, I don't think you are being needy at all. I agree with PPs that stepping back from social media can be helpful. I recently deleted the FB app from my phone and haven't checked FB since last Wednesday. I already feel better not worrying about what everyone else is doing. Sending you lots of positive juju to get you through Monday! >:D<
Good morning. Hope everyone is doing good on this chilly Monday. I am struggling. Which I hate to admit. But I am. I have been needy lately and I hate being needy. I'm ready to TP myself. I have had 4 pregnancy announcements and 2 births not including TB in the last week. Even though I know there are not a limited number of babies I just would really love to be able to go a day or 2 without an announcement. Debating deleting FB, TB and FF from my phone or just getting rid of my phone and becoming a recluse. Thanks for listening to me whine ladies. I appreciate you so. I know I've been asking a lot lately.
Hugs, snedge! Do I need to jump in the car and drive down the turnpike so we can get a drink tonight? No need to apologize, bc I don't think anyone here would even think to call you "needy." We are here through the good, bad, and ugly.
Re: Good Morning
BFP#4 3/17/14 - rainbow Baby BOY arrived 11/10/14 !!
DX: Uterine Septum - Resection 9/5/13 || MTHFR Hetero A1298C || My Chart
TTC since March 2012
BFP #1 1/29/13, EDD 10/9/13
BFP #3 8/11/14 EDD 4/22/14
little chkn born 06/30/11
baby chkn born 04/22/14
05/13 07/13
TTCAL September Siggy Challenge: Interesting Interspecies Interactions
All AL Welcome
Our TTCAL Blog--Newbies and Lurkers Please Read!
♥♡♥ PAL/PGAL welcome♥♡♥BFP#1 9/5/12, MMC, MC confirmed 10/9/12,
D&C 12/12/12 BFP#2 7/30/13, EDD 4/12/14, DS born 4/14/14
Good morning ladies!
ETA: Don't know why my pic isn't showing up.
BFP#1 - 11/27/09 EDD 8/5/10, DS1 arrived 7/24/10 via emergency c-section.
BFP#2 - 6/18/12 EDD 2/23/13, sweet baby girl born sleeping on 10/4/12 at 19 weeks, 3 days.
BFP #3 - 1/18/13 EDD 10/1/13, natural mc on 2/2/13 at 5 weeks, 4 days.
BFP #4 - 8/29/13 EDD 5/12/14, our sweet rainbow, DS2 born 4/29/14 via c-section
BFP#1 - 11/27/09 EDD 8/5/10, DS1 arrived 7/24/10 via emergency c-section.
BFP#2 - 6/18/12 EDD 2/23/13, sweet baby girl born sleeping on 10/4/12 at 19 weeks, 3 days.
BFP #3 - 1/18/13 EDD 10/1/13, natural mc on 2/2/13 at 5 weeks, 4 days.
BFP #4 - 8/29/13 EDD 5/12/14, our sweet rainbow, DS2 born 4/29/14 via c-section
TTC since March 2012
BFP #1 1/29/13, EDD 10/9/13
BFP #3 8/11/14 EDD 4/22/14
Big (((HUGS))) Snegde
TTCAL September Siggy Challenge: Interesting Interspecies Interactions
All AL Welcome
::hugs:: I would step away from FB for now, or at least hide people from your news feed. I wish I could give you some irl hugs.
Me: 38, DH: 40 | Married April 2012 | TTC since October 2012
DX: Hypothyroid, DOR, Right Tube Blocked, Uterine Fibroid (awaiting hysteroscopy) | DH: Beta Thal Minor, ED (Cialis)
OCT - DEC 2012 | TI | BFN
JAN 2013 | BFP ~ EDD 9/23/13
MAR 2013 | MMC due to Trisomy 10 ~ D&E MAR. 8
APR - JUN 2013 | TTA
JUL - NOV 2013 | TI | BFN
NOV 2013 | HSG & SHG ~ Right Tube Blocked & "Thickening" of Uterus
DEC 2013 - JAN 2014 | NTNP | BFN ~ Switched to new practice
JAN - FEB 2014 | 3-D u/s & SHG ~ Uterine Fibroid ~ Awaiting Hysteroscopy
***All Are Welcome!***
Good morning ladies!!!!
TTC since Sept 2012
M/C on 5/01/13 at 8 wks
AF finally appeared 11 wks later per Provera
Diagnosed with PCOS on 7/29/13
Three Failed Medicated Cycles, NTNP Indefinitely
BFP #2 9/14/14, EDD 5/23/14...MMC discovered @ 9w2d; D&C 10/23/14
My Chart
***** All ALers welcome *****
I am so sorry you are struggling.
I know it doesn't help with the in-person announcements, but like others have said, it might not hurt to step away from the social media.
I had gotten to the point on my FB that I was blocking almost every single person even when they said they had a good time out the night before. Their happiness, no matter the reason, was too much for me.
I wish I could recall who here encouraged I deactivate my account, because I finally did it yesterday. Already it feels like one of the things constantly nagging me is gone. Even after recognizing it as a problem, I found myself logging in because it was right at my fingertips.
Whatever the solution is for you, I hope you can find one that brings you at least a little peace.
ETA: fixed auto correct oopses
TTC since October 2012
BFP#1 1/11/13, EDD 9/19/13, M/C at 9wk6dy
BFP#2 11/12/13, DS born 7/28/14!
Everyone is welcome
DX: Septate Uterus. Septum resection 6/4/13