April 2013 Moms

Dreading This Week

Gracious1014Gracious1014 member
edited July 2013 in April 2013 Moms

DH left today for a week long residency session for his MBA. He only has two of them for the entire program, so I'm thankful for that, but I hate having him gone. :( I'm working 5 hours today and then work 12 hour shifts on Mon, Tues, and Thurs. I just keep reminding myself that he'll only have to go every other weekend after this, but I'm honestly even dreading that. We knew that the timing was kind of terrible with having our LO, but we decided that life wasn't going to get any LESS hectic and soon LO would know that her daddy wasn't around for certain things. It's just now that it's here, reality has kicked in & I'm bummed.

Nothing to change - just wanted to vent about it!

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Re: Dreading This Week

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    Ugh, good luck -- that would be so hard.

    My dad got his MBA when I was a teenager and that sucked big time -- not only for me but him!  You guys are smart to get it out of the way now!

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    Ugh, I'm with you this week! DH is gone this week for work as well. We can do it!
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