High-Risk Pregnancy

Fibroids inside the uterus?

I am 9w 2d pregnant and was just diagnosed with three large submucosal fibroids in my uterus. The largest is 6.9 cm, while the others are 5 cm and 3 cm. I am so afraid of these fibroids harming my baby, as submucosal fibroids specifically can be dangerous. Is anyone else going through something similar? Does anyone know of successful pregnancies of women who have had this type of fibroid? Please say some prayers for my little peanut and that we make it through this okay.

Re: Fibroids inside the uterus?

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    Don't have experience with your situation but sending you best wishes and healthy 9months
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    Thank you
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    I started a post below about uterine fibroids (I'm a fellow sufferer). But mine is subserosal, which poses less risk of encroaching on the space the baby needs to grow.  Still, my perinatologist has said there could possibly be a negative effect on the baby's growth or delivery; he's going to re-check at 28 weeks, which seems like an eternity to wait. Best of luck to you.
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