December 2013 Moms


Is anybody else having a really hard time not drinking coffee regularly? I have had a small cup every once in a while but I'm too afraid of the effects it could have on my baby. Does anybody have any ways of dealing with the caffeine cravings?! Thanks!

Re: Coffee!

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    No help here. My way of dealing with is to have it daily. Sometimes 2 cups.
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    I'm a coke a day kinda gal, so I have no advice for you. My doctor said one caf. beverage a day is ok. 
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    I was not a regular coffee drinker but I do miss caffeinated black and green tea.  I used to drink multiple cups a day.  Somehow decaffeinated tea just does NOT taste as good. I am going to miss it even more once the weather cools down.  

    I also REALLY miss wine and summer cocktails. 

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    1 a day for me. I need it right now.
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    I have a cup of coffee every morning. The doctor told me that the risks increase if you drink in excess like more than 200mg per day.

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    You're "allowed" 200mg of caffeine a day.  If your cup of coffee is 200mg or less, you can have a cup everyday.  Any restrictions beyond that you are basically just imposing upon yourself.
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    5 cycles of "TTC" - 3 intentional, 2 not so intentional.  5 BFPs.  My rainbow arrived 10/15/14.
    TFMC 08.02.13 at 19+ weeks. Everyday I grieve for my little Olive.

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    You're "allowed" 200mg of caffeine a day.  If your cup of coffee is 200mg or less, you can have a cup everyday.  Any restrictions beyond that you are basically just imposing upon yourself.

    I'm guessing coffee is definitely >200mg. That is like 6 cans of Mtn. Dew.  

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    ChiAmyChiAmy member
    I have two cups a day.  I was told 16 oz is okay.



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    I haven't had coffee since I found out I was pregnant because it just doesn't sound good to me but I do have a cup of black tea a day. Which is nice because you can also control how strong you make the tea.

    Mommy of four munchkins!



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    You're "allowed" 200mg of caffeine a day.  If your cup of coffee is 200mg or less, you can have a cup everyday.  Any restrictions beyond that you are basically just imposing upon yourself.

    I'm guessing coffee is definitely >200mg. That is like 6 cans of Mtn. Dew.  

    All coffee is not >200mg - it depends on the type of bean and the amount of coffee. 

    ETA: Starbucks coffee is on the high side and it's 180mg for 8 oz.  A cappuccino & espresso (single shot) is 75mg.  Frappucino's max out at around 160mg in a venti.

    Loss Blog (finally updated)


    5 cycles of "TTC" - 3 intentional, 2 not so intentional.  5 BFPs.  My rainbow arrived 10/15/14.
    TFMC 08.02.13 at 19+ weeks. Everyday I grieve for my little Olive.

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    I went cold turkey without coffee during the first trimester - no coffee, only drank decaffeinated coke.  Now that we've hit second trimester, I have relaxed a little bit, and usually drink a decaf iced coffee in the morning and a soda in the evening.  I figure between the two, I'm probably not even topping 100 mg. 

    No advice on how to curb the cravings - I'm basically just a grin and bear it type of girl.  The only thing I can think is try to find something that tastes like coffee without the caffeine - that helped me get over missing soda.
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    I drink it everyday :)
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    Drink a cup of coffee.
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    You're "allowed" 200mg of caffeine a day.  If your cup of coffee is 200mg or less, you can have a cup everyday.  Any restrictions beyond that you are basically just imposing upon yourself.

    I'm guessing coffee is definitely >200mg. That is like 6 cans of Mtn. Dew.  

    All coffee is not >200mg - it depends on the type of bean and the amount of coffee. 

    ETA: Starbucks coffee is on the high side and it's 180mg for 8 oz.  A cappuccino & espresso (single shot) is 75mg.  Frappucino's max out at around 160mg in a venti.


    Holy Crapoli. I never knew coffee had more caffeine than Mtn. Dew. Wow, good thing I hate coffee.  

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    I cut it out during first tri but once it started sounding good to me again I started having a cup every morning. I need it to get through the day with a very active almost two year old.
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    Look up the caffeine content in whatever it is you like to drink. You have to drink a crazy amount to go over 200mg.

    The site I was on also showed a very broad range for home brewed coffee because of the brand and how strong people make it.


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    I drink one iced coffee a day before noon (because otherwise I'm up until 1 am) -- my doctor said very pointedly to me at the beginning of the pregnancy that if you give up everything that brings you comfort during pregnancy (like a cup of morning coffee or an occasional glass of wine) that you will be miserable and craving and kill your own joy out of fear. 

    Lilypie - (V9Ze)
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    Moderation is tough for me so I switched to decaf most of the time.  However, I will have half-caf or a small cup every few days.  I just bought a small French press so I can make a small serving at home.  During the school year I would use the Keurig at work to have a cup.

    Coffee is the elixir of the gods, in my eyes.  One of the perks (no pun intended) of having it less frequently is that it has a much stronger effect on me now and it tastes so good!

    So yeah, don't feel bad about a cup here or there. 

    photo canthearyou_zpsae132d4c.jpg
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    . Does anybody have any ways of dealing with the caffeine cravings?! Thanks!

    I drink some. 1 cup in the morning.

    "Dont fucking ever come out your face talking shit like that" -SG 1/12/2014



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    Just curious, does anyone know WHY you shouldn't drink more than 200mg?

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    No help here. My way of dealing with is to have it daily. Sometimes 2 cups.


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    Lilypie - (zHjr)
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    Coffee has been my best friend this pregnancy.  It's helped with ms and headaches. And I wasnt a huge coffee drinker before getting pregnant this time around.  I have one cup first thing in the morning.  I don't drink anymore than that all day.  My OB says one cup of coffee will have absolutely no affect on my fetus.  So drink your coffee! 

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    Just curious, does anyone know WHY you shouldn't drink more than 200mg?

    According to the American Pregnancy Association, caffeine is bad because it speeds up our heart rate and could increase blood pressure, both of which are frowned upon when pregnant.  It also dehydrates you, again frowned upon.  Caffeine could also pass to the baby, which could overwhelm the LO's system and will mess with his sleeping patterns later in the pregnancy.  

    Edit: Added the bit about dehydration
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    Just curious, does anyone know WHY you shouldn't drink more than 200mg?

    There actually isn't anything 100% conclusive on it.  

    This is what the March of Dimes says,

    "During pregnancy, caffeine passes through the placenta and reaches your baby. Caffeine may decrease blood flow to the placenta, which may cause problems for your baby.

    You may have heard that too much caffeine can cause miscarriage (when a baby dies in the womb before 20 weeks of pregnancy). Some studies say this is true and some say it?s not. Until we know more about how caffeine can affect pregnancy, it?s best to limit the amount you get to 200 milligrams each day."


    my sister sent me a bunch of scientific links about case studies saying caffeine was fine, I can probably look through my email for them. 


    AHA! Learn something new everyday. You're the bestest.

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    Just curious, does anyone know WHY you shouldn't drink more than 200mg?

    From BabyCenter:

    A highly publicized 2008 study found that women who consumed 200 mg or more of caffeine a day had double the risk of miscarriage of those who took in no caffeine. However, not all studies show a link between caffeine consumption and a higher risk of miscarriage.

    A study in Denmark found that the risk of stillbirth more than doubled in women who drank eight cups of coffee or more each day compared with women who didn't drink coffee.

    Other research has shown that newborns whose mother consumed more than 500 mg of caffeine a day had faster heart rates and breathing rates and spent more time awake in the first few days after birth. 

    So basically they are playing it "better safe than sorry."  I probably hit 200mg half the time with my diet coke habit, but I don't sweat it too much - it's not like I have the shakes or an elevated heart rate.  *shrug*

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    Snoozerella beat me to it. :)
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    I drink a Coke a day sometimes even 2 if I have a headache. But I also drink a glass of wine every once in awhile, so I'm wild.
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    Just curious, does anyone know WHY you shouldn't drink more than 200mg?

    According to the American Pregnancy Association, caffeine is bad because it speeds up our heart rate and could increase blood pressure, both of which are frowned upon when pregnant.  It also dehydrates you, again frowned upon.  Caffeine could also pass to the baby, which could overwhelm the LO's system and will mess with his sleeping patterns later in the pregnancy.  

    Edit: Added the bit about dehydration

    That makes sense about the blood pressure, I didn't even think of that. The sleep pattern thing is interesting tho..

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    I'm sticking with 200-300 mg per day. Usually a lot of the bottled drinks I get have the caffeine content on the bottle, so I go by that. I also have a cup of regular coffee a day.
    Me: 28 DH: 33 TTC since February 2012, married September 2012 DX with Hypothalamic Amenorrhea 2/2013, HSG clear, Bloodwork good, SA great! Started seeing RE February 2013
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    I drink a Coke a day sometimes even 2 if I have a headache. But I also drink a glass of wine every once in awhile, so I'm wild.

    I had a glass of wine last night at our anniversary dinner. It was delish. 

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    I drink either one soda, or one cup of coffee daily. Usually soda. I try not to go for the coffee because I like to drink so much of it when I make it.
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    I've been drinking half a cup every day!
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    Just curious, does anyone know WHY you shouldn't drink more than 200mg?

    I did some research and found one study that correlated caffeine use during pregnancy with low birth weight.  I couldn't really find any other substantial information on the effects of caffeine.  I drink a cup of coffee a day.

    Edited to add link to article.

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    No help here. My way of dealing with is to have it daily. Sometimes 2 cups.

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    I cut right back to just one decaf tea in the first trimester. Now I'll have a decaf coffee if I'm out. Little squirmer moves round enough as it is without giving him more caffine.
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