July 2012 Moms

Photography question..

My sister and a close friend are both professional photographers so Ive never really had to pay for pictures. Im looking at several in the area and I am floored by the price!! Im just wondering a round about price yall are paying. I mean, 750 for 1 year portraits seems high.. I mean, I could fly Cajun down here and take the pictures for that price!!
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Re: Photography question..

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    That's effing insane. Granted, I know I'm grandfathered in with my photographer and shes a friend of a friend but I paid $175 for the shoot and DVD. And my photos are amazing every.single.time.

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    My sister and a close friend are both professional photographers so Ive never really had to pay for pictures. Im looking at several in the area and I am floored by the price!! Im just wondering a round about price yall are paying. I mean, 750 for 1 year portraits seems high.. I mean, I could fly Cajun down here and take the pictures for that price!!

    That is expensive for that area. Buuuuuuuuut have you seen the work? It could be worth it..you can pay less and get a crappy photographer or you can go middle ground and still get really quality pictures.


    (oh and i asked my cousin..the person she recommended I wouldn't send you to..extreme amateur!) 

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    I was conferenced in on my friends computer so we could look together. Her work is okay. Im not a fan of over editing. I like clean and natural but she had some really good ideas for kids. I found another one that is 500 flat rate and another that is 450 but you have to purchase prints through her. Im shooting for a female because Rylan just does better with them
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    Wow! That's insane! I'm aiming to pay $300 or less. I hope you find someone. 
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    As long as I'm living,
    my baby you'll be."
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    Yowza! F That!

    My aunt took ours for free but we were considering a local photog who charges 75/hr and then gives us the disc after he edits. 75/hr is really good for this area though. I would not spend more on pics than I do a car payment. But then again I'm cheap.. I won't pay over 12$ for a shirt either :) 

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    That seems crazy yet doesn't surprise me. Up here most photographers I looked at go for $100-200/hr. 
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    I found one that her website said 125 for birthday and smash cake. I message her and she said her website and prices are being redone and its now 500. I give up.
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    I found one that her website said 125 for birthday and smash cake. I message her and she said her website and prices are being redone and its now 500. I give up.

    Honestly I can understand this. The reason sitting fees are so high is because nobody buys prints anymore, they only want digital files they can print themselves. I used to make money on prints but not anymore.

     A typical shoot takes me 3 hours..that includes travel, set up and taking the pictures. Then I have to edit which could be 2 to 4 hours to go through all those pics and edit them. So I charge a flat rate for sitting fee and then another flat rate for digital images on CD otherwise I would be making jack for all that work. That's 8 hours of work for $125..screw that! 

    ETA: my equipment is not cheap either so I justify charging so much for images to pay for my lights, and camera's. I think a fair price for a one year session with digital files is at least $250. You should be able to find a good photographer for that price. 

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    I wouldn't do any photos ever with Owen if that's what they cost! Holy beejesus. I pay 175 in the summer 125 in winter for shoot and disk of all images. Even for good work that price is insane.

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    I found one that her website said 125 for birthday and smash cake. I message her and she said her website and prices are being redone and its now 500. I give up.

    Honestly I can understand this. The reason sitting fees are so high is because nobody buys prints anymore, they only want digital files they can print themselves. I used to make money on prints but not anymore.

     A typical shoot takes me 3 hours..that includes travel, set up and taking the pictures. Then I have to edit which could be 2 to 4 hours to go through all those pics and edit them. So I charge a flat rate for sitting fee and then another flat rate for digital images on CD otherwise I would be making jack for all that work. That's 8 hours of work for $125..screw that! 

    Ok maybe it's because I'm poor and have a sad, sad salary but that's 15 bucks an hour! That's definitely not horrible. But I can understand why you would charge more.

    Yeah but most photographers only work weekends so that's two days a week of $15 a hour which is like nada, kwim? Unless you work in studio's but that's another story :)

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