
EP question

I am EPing and my LO isn't a fan of cold milk. Wondering what everyone does on outings to make milk warm for LO....Like, if we were going to the zoo for the day. Also, if I were to pump while out, just take ice packs?
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Re: EP question

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    I usually make bottles at least 20 mins before we leave. It is ok to give the baby bottles at room temp. I wouldn't do cold milk.
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    I try to make it so they get to room temperature before giving them to her.  Last time we went out, I did fill a thermos with hot water and packed a cup with me in case I needed to warm it with that.  Didn't need it, but in theory it sounded like it would work!
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    Get yourself a mini cooler ( like a lunch box size) that you can line with ice packs. When I'm out and about I take out a bottle before LO wants it.  Hint -- if you're not too bothered, stick the bottle in your cleavage.  Cools you off and warms the bottle quick!
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    Get yourself a mini cooler ( like a lunch box size) that you can line with ice packs. When I'm out and about I take out a bottle before LO wants it.  Hint -- if you're not too bothered, stick the bottle in your cleavage.  Cools you off and warms the bottle quick!

    lol ... If we all had cleavage in the first place! I used my legs because I'm still waiting on that cleavage to come In.

     OP, I EP as well and I have a lunchbox sized cooler and toss an ice pack in before I run out for the day. It works well. I can't help you out with the warm bottle question since DD has grown accustomed to taking a chilly bottle if I can't warm one, but I hope you find something that work for you! Good luck and good job on the EPing,I know how daunting it can be. 

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    Is it warm where you live?  It's not normally that hot here, but this past week has been 85-92 degrees (WAY hot for us) and I've been giving DD bottles of cooler milk and she's totally gone for it when she wouldn't in the past.  Since milk is good for several hours at room temp, if she's going to eat within 2-3 hours I just put it in her bag and let come to room temp.  If it is hot out, I pack it in a cooler and get it out ~30 mins before I expect her to be hungry.
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