April 2013 Moms

Not eating

I BF but also give my LO a bottle once a day of bm so she gets used to the bottle for when I go back to work. My LO has stopped eating like she should....when I give her a bottle its a struggle to get her to eat 2 oz and when I bf her she will only eat for abt 5 min or less total. Its not because she falls asleep either. What could be causing this? What can I do?

Re: Not eating

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    Wish I knew..having same issue.. its a struggle no desire to eat and when she does its less than normal
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    Wish I knew..having same issue.. its a struggle no desire to eat and when she does its less than normal

    Same here except we've been bottle and breastfeeding for about 6 weeks now. Wish I could give you some insight.
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    Do they cry or squirm? Reflux? 

    Or distracted, with mine here lately I've gotta get up and change her diaper or something then have to come back to the bottle to get her to eat the rest 

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    Regarding the bottle issue -- I went back to work three weeks ago and DH has been home with Ginny. She gets a bottle in the morning (if she wants it), I nurse at lunch, and she gets another bottle in the afternoon. Yesterday, I came home early and she was taking a bottle.......until she heard my voice. She immediately started pushing it out of her mouth and wouldn't eat. She knew I was there and wanted to nurse. Basically, it is nearly impossible for G to take a bottle from me or when I'm around. Have you tried giving the bottle to someone else to give?

    As for nursing, babies become much much more efficient and milk becomes fattier as time goes on. If she is still gaining weight and has plenty of wet/dirty diapers, she is getting what she needs. No worries!


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    leasajleasaj member
    I have given bottle to others, left the room, even left the house. I've tried changing, burping even playing in between feeding. I've tried a dark room, tried facing her toward wall.....nothing.

    I'm going to try to only bottle feed the bm I pump today so I know exactly how much she's taking in. I'm just worried about either losing weight or not gaining.
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    I have given bottle to others, left the room, even left the house. I've tried changing, burping even playing in between feeding. I've tried a dark room, tried facing her toward wall.....nothing. I'm going to try to only bottle feed the bm I pump today so I know exactly how much she's taking in. I'm just worried about either losing weight or not gaining.

    I would try to schedule a weighed feeding with your pedi or an LC and counting her wet diapers before changing big - especially since babies will eat different amounts from the breast than from a bottle since the flow is faster. A weighed feeding will inform what move to make next. Stay confident Momma. :-)


    "I wanted you more than you'll ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go."

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    Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

    Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD

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    pggaripggari member
    My LO started doing this, and unfortunately still does and it ended up being reflux. Does your LO cry a lot during feedings? Maybe you can ask your Pedi about it. Good luck!!
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