April 2013 Moms

EASY baby schedule

Does anyone have their LO on the E.A.S.Y. Schedule? I've been trying to do this with my LO. It's similar to the baby wise schedule. So far it isn't working that great. He will only take 45 min naps mid day. He takes a long AM nap and a long late PM nap. In the AM he will wake and eat then nap for 2 hours. Then he will be awake, we will do activity time, then he eats, more activity, then nap for 45, then want to eat again and then a short nap again. Then he's up until his afternoon nap which is usually 23 hrs. Maybe this is normal for his age. He's 10 weeks on Monday. Also, how do you do the schedule if you are out running errands. I don't want my LO to get too used to napping swaddled in his crib.

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Re: EASY baby schedule

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    We do loosely. She kinda set it that way... Eat, have about a 45-1:00 window of awake/activity time, then sleep. She sleeps more in her morning nap and more late afternoon but I haven't been to strict, just know she needs to sleep if she has been a busy body for over an hour. She naps where ever. Usually swing in the morning then the RNP most of the afternoon
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    Tondraluv is doing the EASY
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    I was curious what this was and found an awesome site explaining everything. she even has a cheat sheet broken down by ages. i think we might slowly start incorporating it... loosely. this one applies to our aged LO's (4w-4m), if anyone else was curious


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    both my girls fell into this routine by themselves.

    My son did it himself at about a month, around that time was when his naps were longer and almost sleeping 6+ hours at night. 

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