April 2013 Moms

CAN'T figure this out!!

Ok I don't know what to do! I was dealing with an oversupply and block fed for over a week. My LO's poops were better, not green all the time and he stopped being so gassy. Now as of yesterday he back to having just green poop! I don't know what else to do to fix this! He's a very impatient baby waiting for a second let down that will contain the fattier milk. I'm at a loss here!

Re: CAN'T figure this out!!

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    I could be wrong, but isn't green poop within the range of normal? Do you supplement with formula at all? Are they all green or just a few times a week?

    ETA: This might help?



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    evertzevertz member
    Green poop is nothing to be concerned about. As long as he is having plenty of wet and dirty diapers and he's gaining weight as he should then no need to stress over it. Our LO's poop is all over the map from green to yellow to brown... just depends on the day.
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    I've been dealing with green poop too. I called my pedi last week and they told me not to worry unless LOs stomach was hard or if she was excessively fussy. 

    Easier said than done of course especially since she was always yellow but I'm doing my best to just go with it.  

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    nahwnahw member
    No he is EBF. His weight gain has been on the lower end, our dr was concerned at his 2 month appt he has dropped percentiles. We are going in at 3 months for a weight check which is a couple weeks away.
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    No he is EBF. His weight gain has been on the lower end, our dr was concerned at his 2 month appt he has dropped percentiles. We are going in at 3 months for a weight check which is a couple weeks away.

    I would make an appointment for a weighed feeding. Some pediatricians do this, but if not, a LC or even your local WIC office should be able to help you out. I had a similar problem with DS and it ended up being a combination of my diet (too low in fat, of all things) and frequency of feedings. I ended up needing to wake him to eat more often. Keep on block feeding though, that's always good! Whatever you do, don't let your pediatrician scare you - take it one day at a time.


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    Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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    My doc says that as long as it is "earth tones' she isn't concerned.
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    Legit question: is green poop a bad thing?
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    My doc says that as long as it is "earth tones' she isn't concerned.

    That's a good rule of thumb and easy to remember!


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    Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

    Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD

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    Legit question: is green poop a bad thing?


    It can indicate a foremilk hindmilk inbalance, but it could also be from your diet 

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