April 2013 Moms

at what point would you be concerned?

My little girl got her first shots Monday at 11 weeks and still isn't acting like herself. She is having trouble sleeping, isn't playful, and is not eating very much. She's fairly small 10lb9oz for her age anyway so this, of course, worries me. When I talked to her pediatrician Monday she just told me to be concerned about a high fever or if little one seems to be extremely uncomfortable. She hasn't had a fever at all and doesn't seem to be in pain. She just isn't herself. Should I call her pediatrician tomorrow or is this fairly normal?

Re: at what point would you be concerned?

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    her behaviour could be totally unrelated to the shots. growth spurt, wonder week, having an off week? i'd be concerned if she was acting sick, high fever, less wet diapers. it's only been 3 days.
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     My son has acted different since 8 weeks. I now just say this is his new normal..and he gets new normals every week it seems. 

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    Both of you have a good point. I'll keep an eye on her and wait it out. Thanks!
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    love4blove4b member
    You know your baby better than anyone else and if you think there's something wrong, or different it can't hurt to give her doctor a call. Hang in there.
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    elbouelbou member

    You know your baby better than anyone else and if you think there's something wrong, or different it can't hurt to give her doctor a call. Hang in there.

    This. I was originally thinking the same as a PP that it might be related to a growth spurt, and not the shots. However, it doesn't quite sound right for a growth spurt. Babies tend to eat more instead of less when they are doing heavy-duty growing. I would call just to put your mind at ease. Good luck!

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    I know how you feel, we just went through the same thing.  My LO is also small, 9.5lbs at her 2 month appt. She had a fever and no appetite after her last shots. For the past week she stopped nursing and only accepted bottles, and her sleeping was all wacky. She was also more fussy.  We did call the Pedi just in case, and she had us come in.  But, everything is okay healthwise.  She thinks possibly early teething, but told us not to worry.  If your LO is eating well and having plenty of wet diapers, she is probably okay.  But I would call the Pedi to get her opinion, that's what they are there for =)
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    I agree with PP - babies personalities change often as they grow and develop. As for shots, Ginny was a little off for about a week afterwards, but it also coincided with a growth spurt, so who knows. There's a lot going on in their little bodies at any given moment!

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     My son has acted different since 8 weeks. I now just say this is his new normal..and he gets new normals every week it seems. 

    This.  Just when we figure out DD she changes something. 


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