April 2013 Moms

Own room

Before I had LO I said that she would sleep in PnP in our room until she was 2 months old. Well, she's now 10 weeks and still in our room. I have started putting her in own room for at least one nap a day to get her used to being in there. She will only nap for about 30 min in there. Any ideas why?

I say that I'm waiting for her to sleep longer at night before I move her to own room. I may be just making excuses. = Just curious, have you moved your LO to own room? How old were they when you did or will they be when you decide to move them?

Re: Own room

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    I moved my first child when he was 4 months. Not sure what I will do with my DD. She is a lot needier so I will play it by ear.
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    Kate_CKate_C member
    Given the configuration of our house, LO will probably be in our room until almost a year old. We have two bedrooms upstairs and one down. I'm not ready to have the kids on a separate floor from us, so we'll be bunking together for a while... Oh well.
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    FTM... I thought LO would get the boot at 2 to 3 weeks... Pwwaahahaha! Yeah righ! He is 3 and a half months and still in a PnP next to our bed. He sleeps really well but still wakes one or two times per night. Maybe when he is sleeping straight through I'll be more inclined to move him.
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    We're moving tomorrow, so she technically doesn't have her own room yet. I hope to have her in her own room by 2.5-3 months. She is almost two months now. 

    That's good that you are putting her down for at least one nap a day in her own room. She will get used to it eventually.  

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    4 days. He was too loud!
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    Different smell maybe.
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    I moved James when he was about 8 weeks old.  It just felt right.  I don't put him down for scheduled naps yet, he still just kinda falls asleep whenever/wherever, but I do try to follow the eat/play/sleep routine... and his hunger schedule is fairly predictible. Point being, I did put him in his crib for naps sometimes after he'd already fallen asleep but I didn't "put him down for a nap," so to speak.

    He has never had a problem being in his crib at night.  Never. Not even the very first night.  In fact, I think everybody is sleeping better this way becasue I don't wake up at his every little sound, nor do I hear a little sound and accidentally wake him up when he isn't already awake.

    I guess I don't really have any advice, but this is what worked for us.  Good luck!

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    DS has been sleeping in his crib in his room since he was maybe six days old. H hated the bassinet we got for him but slept happily in his crib. I will also say that he sleeps really well in his crib at night but doesn't like napping there in the daytime... You never know until you try!


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    The American SIDS institute, SIDS Canada and many other related organizations recommend keeping baby in the same room as Mom and Dad until 6 months.

    Article on Dr. Sears website on the scientific benefits of sleeping in the same room as your baby, which are in addition to the reduced risk of SIDS.

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    We moved DD when she was 6 weeks. The first few days were hard, but we kept at it and she eventually started sleeping longer stretches. It was best for everyone since DH's loud snores were waking her up and I relished my quiet, alone, baby-free evenings. 

     There isn't a right or wrong answer or time line - just do what works best for your family.

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    DD is also 10 weeks and sleeps in the pnp in our room.  She sleeps in her room during the daytime.  We probably won't move her into her own room until she starts sleeping better at night, and I get comfortable with it.  Otherwise I know I'll be up every couple minutes checking on her.
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    The American SIDS institute, SIDS Canada and many other related organizations recommend keeping baby in the same room as Mom and Dad until 6 months.

    Article on Dr. Sears website on the scientific benefits sleeping in the same room as your baby, which are in addition to the reduced risk of SIDS.



    LO will be in with is til at least 6 months. I will count my blessings if I can get him out of the rock and play and into a crib by then...
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    DS stayed with us until he was 8 months. My DH kicked him out at that point but it was a pita for me though bc he was still waking in the night. DD may get evicted slightly earlier but I think we'll probably keep her until 6 months per the SIDS recommendation even if she's sttn so far she's a much better sleeper than DS.
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    DD has never slept in our room. The first 8 weeks she would only sleep while held or in her swing so DH and I took shifts staying up with her in the living room. When she started sleeping better at 8 weeks, she went straight to her own room because she was unbelievably loud. Her room is only a step from ours though so we could still hear all the grunting and squirming and flailing!
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    zzbbzzbb member
    At 4 weeks we started putting lo down at night but he got a fever so I kept him with me another week or so but I'd say by 6 weeks I was putting him down in his crib every night. Besides the fever week we haven't really had a problem getting him down. We still wake to nurse and usually by 6 am I bring him to my bed to try for a few more hours of sleep.
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    I moved DS to sleeping in his crib in his own room about 3 weeks ago.  I started with just the first sleep stretch and then would bring him back into our room because he wakes more frequently after the first stretch.  Now he sleeps 7-8 hours the first time and then back to bed another 3ish so he stays in his room full time.

    I know the sids recommendation - but decided to move him anyway for many reasons. He was outgrowing the bassinet (15 lb weight limit, he weighs 14)... he's a noisy sleeper... he's STTN... and I have an angelcare monitor so I feel somewhat better about it.  It was just the right decision for us.

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    DS has been sleeping in his crib in his room since he was maybe six days old. H hated the bassinet we got for him but slept happily in his crib. I will also say that he sleeps really well in his crib at night but doesn't like napping there in the daytime... You never know until you try!

     This exactly...not sure why she won't nap in it, but sleeps the night away happily...

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