April 2013 Moms


Now I finally understand why some of you get so stinkin excited! LO slept from 9pm until 340am and so did I! It was the longest he has ever slept, we usually get 3-4 hrs tops. i feel like a new woman! Then after his 7 am feeding I went to the gym, which is only the 2nd time since baby came along! I could get used to this! 

Re: Success!!!!

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    Best feeling! Happy for you mommy!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    congrats!! the longest i have gotten so far is 5 hours but ill take it!
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    leasajleasaj member
    Must have been something in the air. Mine went from 8 to 3, half woke to eat, slept until 530, ate, slept from 6 to 715. It was great! I did check to see if she was breathing. Haha!
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