February 2012 Moms

Open Letters?

I was going to post MIL Monday but it seems that those are winding down lately...so open letters!

Lilypie - (JrNi)

Lilypie - (y35Q)

Re: Open Letters?

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    Dear DH,

    I love you.  We have had a rough month or so but I really am very happy with you.  Now, do the dishes.

    Love, Your wife not maid.

    Lilypie - (JrNi)

    Lilypie - (y35Q)

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    Dear water,

    Why do you have to be so crappy? I try to add flavour to you, put you in decaf drinks, try to drink you straight.... but I seriously just hate you. That being said, I'm sitting here trying to drink at least two pitchers of you today because I don't drink enough of you...

    - Dehydratedly dehydrated


    Dear entity that created life,

    Why couldn't you have made us to function off of chocolate instead of water? Then I'd have no issues. Oh... and make chocolate taste every bit as good as it does now, but with no fat or calories. Thanks,

    - Yours truly, chocolate over water.

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    Dear child in my home,

    I have no idea what you did with the happy, playful Aria that used to live here, but I'd really appreciate it if you'd return her. This cranky barnacle baby that woke up in her crib today isn't any fun.

    Sincerely, Aria's mommy
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    212 Facebook Admin.
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    Dear Coffee Cup,

    Could you please make another cup and fill yourself? That would be awesome!

    Sincerely,In Need of Another Cup

    Dear Little Sister, I'm glad that you and your family were able to go on a "free vacation"...but YOU SUCK! Oh, and you owe me big time for house/dog sitting for you! 

    Sincerely, Your Jealous Sister

    Dear Ian,

    Mommy's really glad she got to spend last week with you...even though the week itself really sucked. Please be nice to your sitters this week.

    Love, Mommy

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Dear DD's Daycare,

    I am thrilled that DD got to start in her new room this morning... but I find it VERY crappy that you didn't do any transitioning with her.  For every other baby who moved up before her, they got to go over and play here and there and do some crafts side-by-side with a daycare worker they knew.  It's not my kid's fault someone went on maternity leave, leaving you tightly staffed.  You weren't the one who had to leave your screaming, crying child this morning in a new room she didn't know.  Up yours,


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    Dear coworker,
    While yes, I did "tell" our secretary that I got the position you and I both applied for before you found out you didn't, I did not tell the whole office. In fact, you would have had to overhear a carefully PRIVATE conversation to know that. Stop spreading your own rumors already.

    Your new boss

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Dear Cancer,

     Please stop kicking my family while we are down! Its bad enough that we're facing major decisions on what to do with your mutation and the impact on me and my family physically, emotionally and financially since health insurance doesn't deem those surgeries "necessary".  Now you feel the need to show up suddenly and give my FIL a short time to live. Your are mean and I hate you.


    The person that's going to fight you...and win.

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    Now you feel the need to show up suddenly and give my FIL a short time to live. Your are mean and I hate you.

       :(  I'm so sorry!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Dear Realtors,

     I need you to work your butt off to find a family/couple/single person/whoever to buy my house. It's the only thing keeping me and the hubby apart since he started his new job in another city.


    The Eager and Desperate to Move Housewife 

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