Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Post air-travel

It wasn't bad at all! My hub and I took our 15.5m old daughter to abroad. Flight durations were betw. 8-9 hrs. This was our first international trip and our 2nd overall.

My babe prefers redeye flights. After tiring her out, she fell asleep before take off AND she pretty much slept thru the entire duration. No one knew there was a babe near them. On our way back, there was a two tough hours. No books, toys, singing worked. She tried so hard to fall asleep, but she simply counted. Still, she was a good kid.

I bought new toys and snacks, but she wasn't interested. What she LOVED was aircraft's screens. At one point, she was watching my screen, my hub and a row in front of us....while I thought she was in her deep sleep :S

Tip, it's great to check out which bathrooms have changing tables. I saw one that had a picture of changing a diaper, but no diaper changing table inside.

For a single adult flyer with a lapbaby....How DO YOU go to the bathroom and how do you eat while your moving child is sitting on your lap? Just curious....I couldn't do it myself with my hub.

Re: Post air-travel

  • Last time I flew alone with K to Europe, so similar flight length to yours, she was 10 months old. And if I had to go to bathroom I asked the flight attendant to hold her or watch her. Eating was not easy. I held her with one hand and nibbled at food with the other. But I also brough snacks and ate before the flight so I would not have to rely on the airplane meal.
  • I cannot imagine traveling alone with the babe.

    She was very good, but it would've been very hard for me to handle her without my hub.

    I can't even picture myself with two do others handle it?!

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