Blended Families

Seriously annoyed with my cousin

My cousin and I have a lot in common and our kids enjoy playing together. And we have been trying to get together for WEEKS. We live about an hour apart. Whenever I have been able to get together, she hasn't been able to, and vice verse.

Her excuses have varied from they have a home school co-op activity, she has to get caught up on work (she works 30 hours per week and only goes into the office one day a week, the rest is from home, so I understand it's hard to work while you're taking care of 4 kids and homeschooling 2 of them, so she's behind on hours basically every week.), they have to get cleaning done, and her husband wants to spend the day together as family. And then the times she's free, I haven't been due to DS being with BD or because I have to work my scheduled shift, as I work in the office and don't have the flexibility to work from home.

Two weeks ago she suggested we come down to them to go to the park for an hour, as that was all the time they could afford to spare from cleaning. I didn't think it was worth it to be in the car for two hours to only see them for one. She then suggested that this weekend her family comes up here and we spend some time visiting with our grandpa and then go out and do something, just our two families. I said that sounded great, but DS would be with BD all weekend, so maybe we could do it the weekend after. She said that sounded good.

Fast forward to today, and our other cousin calls DH to see if we're going to the cook out at our grandpa's this weekend, that all the family is invited to (22 of us.) WTF? It's really annoying that she went ahead and scheduled this when DS is with BD. Not only that, but made it more elaborate so that ALL the family was invited. If she went ahead and came up for a visit I wouldn't have minded, but now it's an entire family activity that DS will miss. We will not be going, as DH and I have a lot to do this weekend as well as several things planned since this is the first time in months that DS is away overnight with BD.

My cousin is normally pretty awesome, but she's really been getting on my nerves lately..

I know this isn't a huge deal, it's just really irritating me tonight. 


Re: Seriously annoyed with my cousin

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    That is annoying.

    I kinda understand being busy, but cleaning takes a backseat to other family activities. Don't get me wrong, my house is tidy, and the dishes are done, but if there's someone I really want to see, I'll forgo the housework. I can't wait until the end of June... My online schooling will be done and I'll be able to deepclean everything.
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    I understand you being annoyed with this. She really expected you to drive 2 hours to spend 1 hour! But I would most definitely be upset at the fact that you two had planned to do something and she involved the whole family for the week before when she know not all of the children wouldn't be able to be there.

    Do you and your cousin normally have a good relationship? It kind of sounds like she is trying to push your buttons.. that's the way I would take something like this from most of my family members but my family is a whole different story. I don't have much to do with them because they treat the kids differently and don't even try to hide it.

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    I understand you being annoyed with this. She really expected you to drive 2 hours to spend 1 hour! But I would most definitely be upset at the fact that you two had planned to do something and she involved the whole family for the week before when she know not all of the children wouldn't be able to be there.

    Do you and your cousin normally have a good relationship? It kind of sounds like she is trying to push your buttons.. that's the way I would take something like this from most of my family members but my family is a whole different story. I don't have much to do with them because they treat the kids differently and don't even try to hide it.

    That's the thing - we normally have a GREAT relationship. Honestly though, her husband is very strange, and she has become more and more like him over the years. The whole family is kind of socially awkward. 

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    And she never actually invited you? Can you send her a half joking message saying hey cuz what's up with planning a big family get together without inviting me and when you know my kids cannot be there? Are you still on for the next week? If you still get together she sounds like an idiot that just did not think.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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    And she never actually invited you? Can you send her a half joking message saying hey cuz what's up with planning a big family get together without inviting me and when you know my kids cannot be there? Are you still on for the next week? If you still get together she sounds like an idiot that just did not think.

    I agree! Wow .. I totally overlooked the part that is was another cousin to call!

    BabyFruit Ticker


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