High-Risk Pregnancy

need to vent long and rambling

Hi Ladies I just need to vent I feel like I'm ready to explode,

I have been taking care of sick children and my husband isn't being of any help to make matters worse he bought a house yes and told me yesterday it's the one house that I didn't like for many reasons like would need to replace the fencing in the back yard remove several bushes that grow toxic red berries from the yard , needs to be repainted inside and out the outside is baby crap yellow and the inside is baby crap yellow and crap green  but what bugs me the most is the huge open space in the upstairs that looks down into the kitchen I mean I could fall through it so it needs to be fixed ugh I feel like screaming what was the whole point of looking at houses together if he was just going to go buy one without telling me Angry Now I have to worry about this on top of me being on bed rest and having sick children and having to monitor my blood sugars I am feeling overwhelmed and angery


Re: need to vent long and rambling

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    He sounds like a real peach. I don't know what to tell you other than I'd be ticked too if my husband bought a house without me. Hugs to you!
    Married to my dream husband
    Mom to 2 year old BG twins (Incompetant cervix, cerclage, and LOTS of bed rest)
    Pregnant with our next!
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    O my how frustrating!!! Especially when he clearly knew you didn't like it. Hang in there momma! Looks like "he" has his work cut out for him ;-)

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    I would be upset if my husband went and bought a house without me. I would make sure all those problems are fixed ASAP.

    Aside from all the minor fixing does the house have hope?

    I really hope the kids get well soon... :0/

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    Wow, that's terrible! Sorry, I do not have any advice. I hope your children and you feel better soon. 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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