1st Trimester


I have had ms since just before 6 weeks. I was put on zofran at 7 weeks. It helped so much with my last two pregnancies and did make it manageable this time until about 4 days ago. I feel like i'm being the worst mom I can't seem to get myself off the couch unless its to puke. I know its a good sign being sick but please this is ridiculous. I worked so hard for this baby and don't have regrets but I just think the female body has some wicked mean kinks in it. If one more person I know tells me they had no morning sickness at all I might just punch them in the face. I just feel so awful and useless I am really hoping this time it will ease up before 20 weeks. Thanks for letting me vent i'm going to go puke now....
DD#1 6 DD#2-3  4 Baby #4 EDD 01/08/2014 Team Green  BabyFetus Ticker

Re: blah.....vent

  • I know how you feel! I'm so sick of being sick! I can't move an inch because I get motion sickness! Worst is no one knows I'm pregnant so I have to try and puke secretly in work?!?! I have no appetite just try to eat but it just comes back up! I've only been like this for a week so god knows how ur feeling! I'm struggling but it will all be worth the hassell in a few months hope it eases x
  • I am in the same boat. I have already been to the er for fluids. I am only 7 weeks and 4 days. The idea that this could last another 4 weeks is unbearable. To top it off I am getting over a stomach virus. My poor little girl misses her days at the park and mommy play time.
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  • Mine started at the same time, around 6 weeks and I am now in week 12 and it's still going, although I am not puking as much anymore.  I went to urgent care once for fluids around 8 weeks and have also been taking zofran but I have still been so miserable for the last 2 months. The doctor said this can last 14-20 weeks.  Crying  I am really hoping it doesn't go another 2 months and try to just tell my self to take it one day at a time and that it is temporary but is hard when I am stuck on the couch unable to move! I hope yours clears up soon and that you feel better!  Oh and yes, mother nature and the female body are so cruel!!
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