I have had ms since just before 6 weeks. I was put on zofran at 7 weeks. It helped so much with my last two pregnancies and did make it manageable this time until about 4 days ago. I feel like i'm being the worst mom I can't seem to get myself off the couch unless its to puke. I know its a good sign being sick but please this is ridiculous. I worked so hard for this baby and don't have regrets but I just think the female body has some wicked mean kinks in it. If one more person I know tells me they had no morning sickness at all I might just punch them in the face. I just feel so awful and useless I am really hoping this time it will ease up before 20 weeks. Thanks for letting me vent i'm going to go puke now....
DD#1 6 DD#2-3 4 Baby #4 EDD 01/08/2014 Team Green
Re: blah.....vent