Pre-School and Daycare

If your 4-5 year old doesn't nap

If your 4 or 5 year old doesn't nap how much do they sleep at night?  DD sleeps from about 8:30 or 9 (except in the winter she's usually in bed at 8) until around 7.  Sometimes I feel like she doesn't get enough sleep but she will not nap at all.  I am just curious where other people are at at this age.  
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Re: If your 4-5 year old doesn't nap

  • DS is only 3.5, but....he goes to bed at 8 usually and is up at 7:30. I often feel like he's not getting enough sleep as well.
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  • imagelolonyo:
    DS is only 3.5, but....he goes to bed at 8 usually and is up at 7:30. I often feel like he's not getting enough sleep as well.

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  • roxy_jjroxy_jj member

    DS sometimes naps, but he really doesn't need them.  On days that he naps he's up pretty late.  When he doesn't nap, he sleeps from about 8:00 to 7:00.

    DD is almost 6 and has had the same sleep pattern since she gave up her naps at 4.  She sleeps from 8:00 until about 6:00 to 6:30.  I worry she doesn't get enough sleep and have tried many things to get her to sleep more, but nothing works.  

    Ms. A  - 2007, Mr. C - 2009
  • imageproudworkingmom82:

    DS is only 3.5, but....he goes to bed at 8 usually and is up at 7:30. I often feel like he's not getting enough sleep as well.

    You have beautiful children!   

    Thank you so much!! That just made my day!
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  • That's how much my 5 year old sleeps.  She hasn't napped since she was 3.
  • She is in bed at 8:00 and usually asleep between 8:00-8:30.  She wakes up between 6:30 and 7:00, but isn't allowed to come out of her room before 7:00. 
    DD~6 years old~born June 6, 2008 (1st grade)
    DS~4 years old~born November 6, 2010 (1st year of preschool)
  • DD Sleeps from 9(ish) to about 7am.

    Most days she would sleep in later if we let her.

    Penelope Lynn 5.8.2009
    Harrison Peter 4.10.2012

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  • Leap08Leap08 member
    My daughter is 3.5 and doesn't always nap anymore. There are days when she'll sleep for an hour or so, but those days seem to be getting more and more rare. She is in bed by 8:00 and is usually asleep by 8:30. She wakes up around 6:30. I can't get her to fall asleep any earlier or to wake any later. Most of the time she seems fine. When she is really tired she has a hard time paying attention and is really grumpy. Those days don't happen very often, so I try not to worry about how much sleep she is getting. 
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  • DD1 started sleeping 11 hours at night when she stopped napping. Usually 8:30pm to 7:30am.

    DD2 stopped napping a few months ago at 2.5 years. She's generally up at 6:30am no matter what time she goes to bed. She goes to sleep between 7:30 to 8:30pm. After a few days of only 10 hours of sleep, she will crash and finally take an afternoon nap.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • kpips20kpips20 member
    DS hasn't napped since just after he turned 2. He goes to bed between 7-7:30 and is up anywhere from 6:30-7:30. I still make him do quiet time in his room for about 90 minutes every day. He has some quiet toys, puzzles and books in his rom and I definitely feel like the down time helps him. Maybe once every 2 months he'll actually sleep for a bit during it but most of the time he just plays. On the rare occassion we're not home for quiet time, he's a beast by dinner so I know he still needs it.
  • DD turns 4 today and hasn't napped in over a year. She sleeps from about 7 to 7. About a month ago, she was waking up before 5 am. Lord help me! It only lasted a couple of weeks but it was brutal!
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  • It's the same for my daughter. 9pm-7am.

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  • imagelolonyo:

    DS is only 3.5, but....he goes to bed at 8 usually and is up at 7:30. I often feel like he's not getting enough sleep as well.

    You have beautiful children!   

    Thank you so much!! That just made my day!

    Your very welcome! 

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Pretty much the same for my ds.  9:00 or so until 7:00-7:30.
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  • My 5.5 year old doesn't usually nap.  He sleeps 8pm to 6-6:30am.  

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  • DD doesn't nap and hasn't in over a year. During school she sleeps 7:30-7. Weekends and school breaks/summer she sleeps 8:30-8ish. DS is 6 and sleeps the same times. 
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  • DS is 5 today (sniff sniff) and he sleeps 730/8pm-630am. He won't nap anymore but has an hour rest a day with a book on cd. I wish he would nap, he still needs it most days. Often bedtime is closer to 7.
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  • KL777KL777 member
    Mine doesn't nap.  He gets in the bed at 7:30 pm and gets up at 6:15 am on school days.  On non-school days it's 7:30 pm - 6:45 am but not allowed to come out of his room till close to 7:30 am.

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  • Bedtime is between 7 and 7:30 although can be as late as 8 on nights we have t-ball or on a weekend night but not often.  During the week, she wakes at 6:15 and on the weekends, closer to 7:15.  She doens't nap but at PreK, she has a 1.5 rest time where she rests on her cot and some weekends, we do the same, we have a 1-2 hour quiet time in her room.  She plays with her dolls or reads and it does her a world of good.  We often skip the rest time espiecally since won't get it in the fall in kindy and she does fine.  We started skipping it from time to time a few months ago.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • she sleeps 7-730 until 7a.


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  • She sleeps from 8:30-9 to 7am.  I wish she would still nap. 
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