Special Needs

Open letterThursday!

WAY 2 Cool 4 School


Re: Open letterThursday!

  • nfrtnynfrtny member

    Dear life, 

     You're a b!tch.


    One broke mama


    Dear son,

    I'm sorry I gave you pizza crust last night, that was very bad of me. I know we had a long talk about it today, after you threw a tantrum over where the trash can was placed in the bathroom, then ran to find the vacuum... But I just can't stand to hear you scream like that when we've had a long day and were both starving. Hopefully now you'll be happy eating turkey instead of my crusts.

    P.S if you bite my leg again because we came back inside even when I TOLD YOU we were leaving again in a minute, I might start screaming myself.


    Your very imperfect mother 

  • I'm several days late but I'll participate anyway.

    Dear OT Waiting List,

    You are way. too. long. Supposed to be 1 month; it's been about 5 and counting. Please speed it up. Thanks! :P

    That is all.

    ~ Macch. and all the rest of us on the waiting list

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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