
Male hypothyroidism and MFI? (loss ment.)

I'm sure that I'm only thinking about this due to my recent Dx of Hashimotos, but I've been googling...

We have mostly unexplained MFI. DH has been on Clomid for 4 months now, and his count increased *very* significantly; however, his motility and morphology are still low, and we still have an antibody issue. DH also has alot of symptoms of hypothyroidism, so I consulted Dr Google (I know, I know), and it looks like hypothyroidism can cause some of these issues? The symptoms didn't come on until soon before our loss 2 years ago, so I'm wondering if these are related? (Since obviously his sperm were able to impregnate my eggs twice before?) As far as I know, his TSH has never been tested (at least not on any of the lab reports I have copies of), so I'm trying to get him to go in for a blood test, but he seems to think that he can wait until his annual is due in the fall.

So after that long-assed novel, can anyone shed some light on this? Has anyone's DH been Dx'd with hypothyroid and MFI? If so, did Synthroid improve things at all?

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TTC #2 with assistance since 03/11
Me: 33, Autoimmune (Hashimotos and FMS/CFS)
Treated with Synthroid, acupuncture, TCM and supplements
DH: 33, MFI (very low on all counts, high antibodies, hemochromatosis)
Many treatments tried, none successful

IVF/ICSI #1 05/14 - EPP/Antagonist, Gonal-F and Luveris, 18R, 14M, 13F - SET of 1BC, all arrested on day 5 - C/P
Genetic testing = normal, DNA Frag = excellent
IVF #2 03/15 - Long protocol with Suprefact, Gonal-F, and possibly Luveris, adding in PICSI

Re: Male hypothyroidism and MFI? (loss ment.)

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    I'm sorry for your losses.
    I don't know how much help this is, but my H has Hashimoto's. When we did our initial testing we were first told his morphology was low. At that time I specifically asked if his thyroid could be the issue, even though with Synthroid his numbers were within normal range. I was told no. We later learned that his numbers were fine, the first clinic was using outdated guidelines and our current RE has said that H does not need to do anything different beyond what his endocrinologist would normally do to control his thyroid. I'm not sure if that would be different if we were actually dealing with MFI, but according to clinic #1, the answer is no. 
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