January 2014 Moms

Any runners here?

What are your running goals while pregnant? How is it going?

My goal was to maitain and so far it's been rough. Before my BFP I was running 46 miles 12 times a week and cross training 23 times a week. Now I get 34 miles in before I start to feel dehydrated and have to stop. And I'm running so much slower.

Any tips? Or is this normal?
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Re: Any runners here?

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    spin25spin25 member

    I'm assuming you mean 4-6 miles 1-2 times a week, etc?

    I was running about 4 miles at a time before my IVF cycle. I had to stop during the cycle b/c my ovaries were obviously enlarged and therefore at risk of ovarian torsion. Then my RE didn't clear me to run until my first u/s, so I had about 5 weeks off.

    I ran for the first time since IVF earlier this week and it was rough. I actually alternated running and walking. My running portions were way slower than normal. I assume it was due to a combination of 5 weeks off, the heat, nausea, and fatigue.

    So...I have no tips for you, but maybe this is just the new normal.


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    Me!  My expectations have already gone way down!  No more intervals just easy jogs around.  I did run a half marathon the week I got a positive.  I'm used to running about 6 miles a day with a long run on the weekend,  but now I'm doing 3-4 miles a day and my longest run is about a 10k.  It's a personal choice for me though - I know plenty of people that keep their normal mileage up.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I'm a runner... i run about 4-5 miles every day at a 7:15 minute mile pace.  since my BFP i've brought it down to 3 miles every other day at 8 minute mile pace, which felt like such a big difference, but i just don't really have the energy right now.  i plan on sticking with this schedule as long as i can.

    i don't have any tips... i think you just have to listen to your body and if you are feeling tired/strained, you should slow it down.  i'm sure keeping up any kind of exercise will help you out throughout the pregnancy!

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    I'm a runner.  I run every day with my DS in the stroller.  Right now, I'm doing abut 4 miles each run.  I love it.  I don't plan on giving it up unless my doc makes me.  I kept running until the day I went into labor last pregnancy.  It was such good exercise! 
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    I'm a runner.  I run every day with my DS in the stroller.  Right now, I'm doing abut 4 miles each run.  I love it.  I don't plan on giving it up unless my doc makes me.  I kept running until the day I went into labor last pregnancy.  It was such good exercise! 

    I hope I can make it this long!!  That would be awesome! 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Well my goal was to keep up running, but I've been so exhausted. So now my goal is to start again in the second tri when I hopefully have more energy. From what I understand, it's totally normal to slow down both in speed and distance, even early on. It's important now more than ever to listen to your body cues and not push through it like you previously might have.

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    kilbskilbs member
    You ladies rock running as much as you do. I'm bumping from my phone and the hyphens didnt come out. I meant 4 to 6 miles at a time, one to two days a week. I'm glad I'm not alone in having trouble. I'm hoping it'll pick up a little with the second tri energy. I wanted to run a 10k in September but I'll have to wait and see how I feel by then.
    Avashark Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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    My goal as of today is to run 25-30 miles a week which is about a 30% decrease in my usual mileage.  I'm doing pretty good and I'm taking it really easy.  I ran a half marathon at 4 weeks pregnant and I was scared at first but then I relaxed and almost ran my best time.  Our bodies are stronger than you think :)  

    Do you carry a water bottle with you? That's what I do when it's hot outside. Can you run on a treadmill where you have close access to a water fountain? I don't think you are running too much but what do I know. Just listen to your body.

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    I am not hardcore, but I normally run between 24 miles 3 times a week. I have not had the energy to run at all this week and nausea has been really bad. I am hoping this will pass soon so I can start again.


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    I'm a newbie runner... Been learning/training for about 6 months. I was up to 3 miles 3 times a week. Since a few days b4 BFP, I have been really tired and having troubles keeping up the pace. So I'm down to 1.5 to 2 miles 3 times a week. I've been reading a lot about it this week. Everything says that your energy will return a little bit after 10 to 12 weeks. Most women can run through 6 to 7 months safely. Some really hard core runners make it the whole way!
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    Yes--I actually posted something on 1st Tri about this earlier this week. I'm a newish runner (did C25k last year, have run a few 5ks and a 10k) and was averaging around 10-12 miles per week, usually 3-4 miles at a time at about a 9:30 pace. I was good to go until last weekend, when during my Sunday run I felt like I was going to pass out after about a mile. Seriously thinking I was going to throw up, dizzy, seeing spots, etc. so I stopped and walked the rest of my route as fast as I could. :-(

    I ordered a HR monitor and it came yesterday, so I'm going to try again tomorrow while keeping my heart rate below 160. I'm sure I'll be a turtle on the road, but I don't care--I just want to try my best to keep running as long as I can. 

    Will baby #3 be another girl?


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    OMG! Thank god someone posted this!  My usual training is running 3 times a week, intense runs (tempo, speed workout, long run) running 6-15 miles at a time getting somewhere between 20-25 miles a week usually and HIIT workouts 2-3 times a week.  I stopped tempo and speed workouts a week ago because I'm just not comfortable  pushing myself that hard anymore.  I ran a half marathon (and PR-ed!) at 5 1/2 weeks, but my capabilities have gone down since then.  I find it hard to run more than 3-4 miles now and I'm thinking "Already? How the hell am I going to handle this when I'm 20 weeks!?".  My comfortable pace has gone decreased by about a minute.  (However, I also just moved to a high elevation from sea level recently which I'm sure is taking it's toll).  I've been reading mommy running blogs where women say "I maintained my normal activities in the first trimester".  This makes me feel so much better that I'm not alone.
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    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    Fellow runner! I was at 5-6 days a week averaging 25-30 miles per week. The last 2 weeks I feel like I've been hit by a truck! I usually head inside to the treadmill/elliptical this time of year because I hate running in east coast humidity but I can barely drag myself out of bed for work! Between not being able to eat enough and being very exhausted, I'm really letting myself down.

    I decided to do a modified version of the Runner's World Summer Run Streak to get myself back in line. You're supposed to run at least a mile a day, everyday from Memorial Day to July 4th. I'm allowing myself to walk if I need it (and I do) and this week I've done 2 elliptical days when it's been too hot. If I do elliptical, I make myself get to 3 miles since I have an easier time on there. 

    I am hoping to run more when I get my energy back (hopefully soon). I bought the Runner's World book for pregnant runners and really like it. I'm just throwing my watch out the window for the next 8 months. My body will tell me what's ok and what's not.

    Slower is better because you shouldn't be letting your heart rate get quite as high. Maybe start a run-walk routine? (Run 2 min, walk 1) My friend ran a whole marathon pregnant that way and she said she had a blast.

    Married: 9.22.12 - DD: 1.7.14 - EDD 2: 10.30.17 - J14 OG
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    I'm a runner! I was about to start a convo like this! So glad you did :)

    I found out I was pregnant on Monday and still ran the half I had that Saturday. I think I am going to keep it around 3-4 miles on my runs, not too much more. But I might start training too, since there is a 10 mile race I want to do in the fall. Depends on how I feel, I guess.

    I haven't been sick at all. I do feel hot and slow, but that is probably just because I am and I can't help that!

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    Me too!
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