January 2014 Moms

What to expect from first doctor's visit

Hello everyone!

I've been browsing this board the past couple of days, as I am 6 weeks pregnant with my first.  I'm so overwhelmed about researching the "correct" things to do while pregnant and I think I just need to relax a bit.  :)

I have my first doctor's appointment tomorrow.  The receptionist said they will do a blood test, urine test, and ultrasound.  Is there anything else I can expect from a typical first visit?  Are the specific questions I should ask?

Thank you for your help.  I can see that this is such a supportive community and I'm excited to be a part of it! 

Re: What to expect from first doctor's visit

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    Every ob is different but the receptionist summed it up pretty well.  They may ask family history questions as well. I don't think there is one particular question that needs to be asked, that is really up to you. It really isn't that bad at all. The only thing I will say (just in case you don't know) is that the ultrasound will be trans vaginal. I think that throws some people off guard. 

    Lilypie Maternity tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    This is my 2nd pregnancy and my first dr visit has varied each time. My sister who is also pregnant and has a different dr had a much different experience from mine as well.

    You will talk about medical history, they will confirm the pregnancy probably via u/s and go over dos and don't. 

    Go in with any questions you may have written down, so you don't forget in the moment.  

    Due 10/4/2015 with my third
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    Every ob is different but the receptionist summed it up pretty well.  They may ask family history questions as well. I don't think there is one particular question that needs to be asked, that is really up to you. It really isn't that bad at all. The only thing I will say (just in case you don't know) is that the ultrasound will be trans vaginal. I think that throws some people off guard. 

    Thank you about the heads up about the trans vaginal ultrasounds.  I've had a few of those since I have PCOS and was curious if this was how it will be done this early.  That want was definitely very intimidating at first, so I can see how one can be thrown off guard by seeing it!
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    Had my first appt today.  No u/s for me. (bummer!)  I have to second the "write down your questions" suggestion.  I was all over the place and a bit disorganized.  I also have to suggest doing your best to be zen ahead of time.  I let me nerves get to me and had elevated blood pressure as a result.  :)
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    I always get a urine test, blood test, ultrasound and Pap smear at my first appointment. They also have me sign a form consenting to HIV testing which really surprised me the first time. Especially when I didn't get any results and had to call to get my negative results. My office only tells you about abnormal results unless you ask.



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    lilylowlilylow member
    You might get an internal exam to feel your uterus. 
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    All of the above and i believe Some docs do a breast exam as well, just like at an annual pap visit.
    image image BabyFruit Ticker First Jelly Bean EDD Jan 26 2014 - 1 day before MY birthday!
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    Thanks everyone!  This information is extremely helpful and I really appreciate it!  

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