Food Allergy

Egg/soy allergy

My 8 month old was just diagnosed with a severe egg allergy and mild soy allergy-previously they thought he was mspi. I have been making all of his baby food but soon he will need to start moving towards table foods- I'm looking for suggestions on what I can make or what I can buy- like puffs?

This is my first post of the bump but I could def. use advice and help! 

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Re: Egg/soy allergy

  • joi717joi717 member

    I don't have any advice bc we are in the same boat :(

    We have known about the egg/soy/wheat/milk/peanut allergy in my son since he was 4 months. He is 10 months now and I feel so discouraged that he is not eating table foods yet. :(  We make all his baby food, mostly sweet pototes, pears, peas and cauliflower. We try to give him chunkier sweet potatoes to gum up since he only has a half tooth popped out, but he pukes it back up.

    Good luck to you! Hoping someone in similar situation answers you!

  • I'm glad to hear someone else is in the same boat! I feel like I am constantly making sweet potatoes.. But that's a great idea to try them as a finger food. My son likes banana and avocado cut up in pieces so maybe try those? I did find if you are trying to find first birthday cake ideas. Do you just pur?e the cauliflower or do you mix it with something?

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