2nd Trimester

Hormones + Worrier = A Hormonal Weepy Wilma

Just a little vent/ask for reassurance from the ladies (if you don't mind).  I enjoyed my three day weekend, and hope you all did too!

 Sunday I hit 17 weeks... as an email popped up saying: Size of an onion...an Onion!!! Where is that gonna fit!??!?  It still looks like I've just asked or extra onion on my burrito I order and eat everyday (figuratively, since i still just look bloated and fat).  I'm at the still to early to tell stage...

Today, even worse.  I feel like I look like I did before I got pregnant with just the little pooch all women just cant get rid of (no matter how man crunches we do!!)  

 Saturday night I sat up quickly in bed after sleeping on my back and felt a sharp pain in my abdomen...I stayed awake the rest of the night fearing I had just broken my baby's spine...  

I haven't felt any kicks, I've shaken my 1st Tri. symptoms (yay?), and feel somewhat "normal"

I know everything I'm feeling is normal, but with no kicks/flutters/gas bubbles felt and no visible bump... I simply feel like an oaf in maternity clothes... 

 We have our Gender Ultrasound in one week...7 measly days... which shall turn into the longest week of my existence... 

Crazy lady vent complete...I have my bump.com book and it tells me to just enjoy this time now and organize my closet...easier said than done book. 

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Re: Hormones + Worrier = A Hormonal Weepy Wilma

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    You will be fine.  I was exactly the same way.  I'm now 25 weeks, and I still have moments of anxiety.  I worry that the baby is ok.  You "bump" will pop soon, so enjoy the semi normal clothes. I try to stay off the internet!!!!!!!!, and keep positive thoughts along with prayer.  Hang in there.
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    Ok, it's time for you to take a deep breath and relax a little bit. It's still really early, so you probably won't really feel your baby for another few weeks. My first though was not much of a mover. This one, she is having a dance party in there. 

     Some women don't gain a lot of weight, some do. Every pregnancy is different. I gained a ton of weight with my first and have barely gained anything this this time around. 

     Be happy that you are feeling somewhat normal. Some women can be miserable their entire pregnancy.  The 2nd trimester is when you get that burst of energy and blah blah blah. So enjoy it. 

    I didn't wear maternity clothes until well into the mid to end of 2nd tri with my first.... This time, at 24 weeks, I can still fit into a ton of my normal clothes. I def have a bump, but have not gained much weight at all.

     You are fine and its all normal. The cramps are normal. You will feel some crazy stuff. As long as its not combined with blood or isn't a long constant pain that lasts a while, its def normal.

    Now breathe.


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    Thank you ladies!  that is what I needed to hear... I can chalk all this up to not having any control and worrying about it.  Which will help me later on when I have no control over anything... :P like a solid schedule (a girl can dream)

    I thought about getting a doppler, my mom says I'll just drive myself crazy... :P

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    My bump didn't pop out until 16 weeks and even now I don't look pregnant. You can't break your baby's spine by sitting up, however it can be very uncomfortable to do so. I find myself rolling out of bed or at least onto my side to get up in the mornings.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Pregnancy Ticker
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