One & Done: Only child

PSA - My son can share and is well socilazied ...LOL

Just thinking for all the concerned folks here with younger kids that those of us with older kids could offer some ressuance.

 For what is it is son is seven and shares just fine and is very well socialized. I swear!

Re: PSA - My son can share and is well socilazied ...LOL

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    That's actually never been one of my concerns. I actually think we get out more because it's just the two of us. We take a lot of classes and go on outings that just wouldn't be possible with another kid, particularly a baby.


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    Daycare, my friends. DD is exposed to all kinds of people, learns to share, wait her turn, etc.

    She's talking, walking, socializing much earlier than either of my sisters two kids who stayed home.

    (Not to say staying home is bad, just saying there are other ways to socialize than with siblings)

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    Being an only has never made me concerned about her social skills. I think staying home with her has more of an effect on that then her not having a sibling... but DH and I are both socially awkward, so really, the kid is doomed.


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