March 2013 Moms

So hungry (me, not the baby!)

Is anyone else starving lately?

I don't know if it's the lack of sleep making me crave carbs or breastfeeding demanding extra calories, but I am constantly hungry. I frequently find myself standing in the kitchen perusing my pantry and fridge, looking for something else to eat.

At this rate, I'm never going to lose the rest of this pregnancy weight!

DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS- 3/20/13 
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Re: So hungry (me, not the baby!)

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    I go through this in phases, then it lets up for a few days before it starts again. Last week it was really bad and around the same time I either started spotting or had a very light first pp period. Lucky me since I am EBFing and only 8 weeks out!

    Ooh I never considered PMS. It'd be early for me. I don't usually get it until 3.5 months (at least the last 2 times), EBFing as well, but... could be having the hormone surges. They can last for weeks before the first PPAF shows up. Ugh.

    DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS- 3/20/13 
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    A few days ago I was this way for about 2 or 3 days. Incredibly hungry! I'm pretty sure LO was going through his 6 week growth spurt which made so hungry. He was constantly eating and I was worn out! Guess he was burning even extra calories for me. Now I'm back to eating normal.
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    I feel like I'm eating anytime I'm not feeding my LO.  I know they say you only need an extra 250 calories while BF, but I feel like I'm eating more.  And constantly craving sweets like during the pg.  Somehow I haven't gained anymore weight, just not losing it.

    I heard it was 500 extra calories needed for BF.

    Either way, I am also starving half the time, and craving things like I'm pregnant. Not nec. the same things, but sweets for sure.

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    Oh thank goodness it's not just me! I do feel hungry more often these days. It's funny though I didn't crave sweets at all during pregnancy, now I want dessert every night! I'm sure glad baby takes some of those calories away!
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    I also heard that it's 500 extra calories when you're BFing.  When LO is going through a growth spurt I find myself hungry and thirsty constantly.  Could that be it?  If you're BFing I say listen to your body and don't feel bad about eating when hungry!
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