March 2013 Moms

2 month appointment!

Jack had his 2 month appointment today and it went great! He weighs 10lbs 6oz and is 21.65 inches long which the dr. said was right on track for his adjusted age!  He was born a day shy of 37 weeks weighing 5lbs 11oz and 18 inches long, so he is making great progress!  Watching him get the shots was the hardest part.  He screamed louder than he ever has, his face turned bright red, and the poor thing couldn't catch his breath! It was so hard for me not to cry right along with him! He is fine now though, the dr prescribed us tylenol, so I gave him some and he is fast asleep!  I am definitely not looking forward to doing this again at four months though! 
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Re: 2 month appointment!

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    I DID cry with my baby's first round of shots. (and still cry thinking about it!!!)  Having DH be with him for the 2 month appointment!  Glad everything went well.  Hope he does ok in the next 24 hours!


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    Ugh I am right there with you. everything was going ok after until after nap time then we got the red faced hold your breath screams again. Thank goodness for Tylenol!
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    I am DREADING his 2 month appt. I'm hoping DH can get off to go with me. Its going to be so hard to watch LO and not be able to help. Its not fair that they can't understand its better for them. I'm glad your LO is growing so well! Keep up the good work momma!

    Is it ok to give the tylenol right as you walk into the office instead of waiting to get home or is that a no no?

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    Jack had his 2 month appointment today and it went great! He weighs 10lbs 6oz and is 21.65 inches long which the dr. said was right on track for his adjusted age!  He was born a day shy of 37 weeks weighing 5lbs 11oz and 18 inches long, so he is making great progress!  Watching him get the shots was the hardest part.  He screamed louder than he ever has, his face turned bright red, and the poor thing couldn't catch his breath! It was so hard for me not to cry right along with him! He is fine now though, the dr prescribed us tylenol, so I gave him some and he is fast asleep!  I am definitely not looking forward to doing this again at four months though! 

    My LO has his coming up Monday and I am super nervous for him. :-(

    I believe your LO and mine has the same birthday. Mine was also born a day shy of 37 weeks on March 2 and my orig due date was March 10th. Is yours similar?

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    I'm so scared for this! LO 2 month is on the 16th I know ill cry if I see her in pain like that. I really hope DH can come with.

    It makes me feel a little better knowing that yours went well!
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    You're suppose to give the Tylenol before the appt. We never needed to give it to DS1. And I think the part that bothers DS1 the most about the shots is being held down.

    DS1 -6/25/11

    DS2 -3/23/13

    Missed MC D&C 8/26/14

    DD - 8/26/15

    LO#4 due 5/30/17

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    I don't suggest giving the Tylenol beforehand because its based on the babies weight and the doctors office will let you know the appropriate dosage...just my opinion :
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    Jack had his 2 month appointment today and it went great! He weighs 10lbs 6oz and is 21.65 inches long which the dr. said was right on track for his adjusted age!  He was born a day shy of 37 weeks weighing 5lbs 11oz and 18 inches long, so he is making great progress!  Watching him get the shots was the hardest part.  He screamed louder than he ever has, his face turned bright red, and the poor thing couldn't catch his breath! It was so hard for me not to cry right along with him! He is fine now though, the dr prescribed us tylenol, so I gave him some and he is fast asleep!  I am definitely not looking forward to doing this again at four months though! 

    My LO has his coming up Monday and I am super nervous for him. :-(

    I believe your LO and mine has the same birthday. Mine was also born a day shy of 37 weeks on March 2 and my orig due date was March 10th. Is yours similar?


    he was born march 1 and my original dd was march 23! 

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    nice job Mom! How many shot did he get?

    2 shots..1 in each leg and then also an oral vaccine that he seemed to enjoy lol 

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    Jack had his 2 month appointment today and it went great! He weighs 10lbs 6oz and is 21.65 inches long which the dr. said was right on track for his adjusted age!  He was born a day shy of 37 weeks weighing 5lbs 11oz and 18 inches long, so he is making great progress!  Watching him get the shots was the hardest part.  He screamed louder than he ever has, his face turned bright red, and the poor thing couldn't catch his breath! It was so hard for me not to cry right along with him! He is fine now though, the dr prescribed us tylenol, so I gave him some and he is fast asleep!  I am definitely not looking forward to doing this again at four months though! 

    My LO has his coming up Monday and I am super nervous for him. :-(

    I believe your LO and mine has the same birthday. Mine was also born a day shy of 37 weeks on March 2 and my orig due date was March 10th. Is yours similar?


    he was born march 1 and my original dd was march 23! 


    Whoa!! I totally LO was born at 38 weeks. One day shy of 39 weeks. oops. :-) 

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