March 2013 Moms

How much (ounces) are you pumping?

So I started back to work with past Wednesday. I started three weeks ago pumping after nursing/supplementing to prepare myself for going back to work. Even then I was only getting 1-3 ounces from both breasts at a time. Pedi told me that was really good, but now that I am back to work the two times I pump at work plus when I first get home are only between 2.5-4.5 ounces. DD gets 2-2.5 ounces of BM + 2 ounces of Similac advanced at a meal. How much are you all getting when you pump? My intention is to provide DD any amount of BM at least 4 times a day until she is 6 months or is fully taking to solids. I am debating getting fenugreek if my supply really is low (LC said at initial consult it is safe, but to give it at least until I get back to work before I start since that is when supply issues tend to occur most). Any input is appreciated!

Also, I had to supplement initially because DD's sugar was low in hospital (I had GD). It has since regulated, but she stopped being satiated by nursing both sides so pedi said to supplement up to 2 ounces with each feeding.

BFP #1 7/6/2012, EDD 3/13/2013, Delivered 3/14/2013

BFP #2 1/7/2014: EDD:9/14 MC: 1/9/2014 (confirmed via blood work)

BFP #3 7/5/2014: EDD 3/11/2015 MC: 7/15/2014

BFP #4 11/7/2014: EDD 7/17/2015~~Please be my RAINBOW!

My Chart

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All are Welcome!

Re: How much (ounces) are you pumping?

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    I have only pumped a handful of times, but I generally get 2oz per side or more. I tend to have let down at the drop of the hat though (yep, I leak a lot), so I think that is more than average output for pumping.
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    LisaM06LisaM06 member
    I usually get around 4oz total each time I pump.  Occasionally I will get 5 oz during the first morning pump.
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    Leni410Leni410 member
    I ebf but whenever i do pump i get 2 to 4 oz total.
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    I EP and get 6 each time. I am getting like 35 ounces a day. I only pump 4 times a day now so it will likely drop
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    MSW_721MSW_721 member
    I've been pumping first thing in the morning after I feed DD. I get about 7oz at a time. I have a bit of an oversupply though.

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    I get about 5 to 6 ounces each time. Sometimes in the morning I will get a little more. I am EP though.
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    I usually get three to four ounces every 3 hours
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    kaf7kaf7 member
    My LC told me when LO was about 2 weeks that I should be making 20mL an hour on each side. Not sure how that changes over time. If I pump my L side after 4h though I get about 3oz so it seems about right still.
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    I have EP since about 2 weeks. I pump 7 times a day and usually end up with 40 to 45 oz a day. Its usually 6 oz a session (2 oz on my left, 4 on my right) but can be up at 9 oz in the early morning. This is my first week back to work and I'm so nervous my supply will drop!
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    I get 4-6 ounces (overall) every 3-4 hours.  First thing when I wake up though I usually get between 7-10 ounces (overall).  I'm going back to work next week and I'm nervous about my supply suffering as well!
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    Kota26Kota26 member
    I pump 4-6 times a day and get about 4 oz per breast.  I do take fenugreek through drinking 3 cups of Mothers Milk tea a day (the taste does not bother me too much) and eating oatmal.  I EP so I am pulling out all the stops to make sure I keep my voracious eater satisfied.
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    I EBF and haven't pumped all that much but when I do I get about 2 oz per breast.  This past week I tried to fit a pumping session in once a day.
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    I get 6-7 oz total for both sides, and I BF in addition to pumping at least twice a day.


    When I was initially trying to establish a supply I ate lactation cookies, drank mothers milk tea and ate oatmeal a couple of times a day.  After all that (which I've scaled back on) I would get about 10oz a session, but it felt like I had to pump/BF more often in order to keep from getting crazy engorged.  



    Ive scaled back and only do the oatmeal/mothers milk occasionally, but I DO notice an increase in my supply when I do.  In a couple weeks as I prepare to return to work, I'm going to go hard on those things do I can develop a good back stock of BM

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    JAH12JAH12 member

    I don't know why your pedi told you to supplement if she wasn't being satisfied - if she needs more then you should nurse her more to tell your body to make more. supply and demand to get your body to produce to me that is silly advice. i can understand if you try to do that and you still weren't producing that is one thing, but as long as she is gaining weight she is fine.

    drink water water and more water until you are blue in the face. Also like others had said there are cookies, oatmeal, and other things out there that can help you boost your supply.

    I only work part time now and bring DD with me when it allows, so i only pump when I don't have her with me and get about 3 oz each side. in the morning I can get up to 5 oz on one side. When I worked full time after having DD #,1 i could easily pump 4oz+ each side.

    But don't forget - also keep in mind, your pump isn't as efficient as the baby. you can also try to add a pumping session on even when your home, that should tell your body to produce more.




    Look out baby #3 is on his/her way!
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    I wasn't producing enough milk for my little one.  I was nursing him first and then pumping after to help boost my supply but he wasn't gaining weight so we started with formula.  Once he started formula I decided to pump only and was only getting about 1.5 oz between both breasts each time.  I had a c-section, and have hypothyroidism, which I personally feel truly affected my supply.  I am jealous that you're getting as much as you are!  
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